摘要: | 台灣地區受限於先天環境因素影響與社會環境需求變遷之下,對於水資源的需求與運用量倍增。在高山水庫已趨飽和階段並且面臨著水庫壽命縮短的危機下,人工湖、平地水庫等勢必成為台灣未來水資源儲蓄發展的趨勢,因此人工水域的發展規劃是值得我們深入探討與研究的議題。 本研究主題-雲林人工湖,又稱雲林大湖,規劃園區落於雲林縣中區,涵蓋虎尾、土庫、褒忠、東勢共四個鄉鎮。本研究將以雲林人工湖計畫區區域所在鄉鎮之當地居民為調查對象,以問卷調查及訪談方式瞭解當地居民對於雲林人工湖環境認知、景觀偏好與感受認同等相關問題,以當地居民對於人工湖區景觀環境發展之方向來做發展基礎,期盼對於雲林人工湖未來發展規劃上做一個調整依據,並提供日後相關規劃研究做為參考。經由實地調查與訪談後,研究結果發現,當地居民(虎尾、土庫、褒忠、東勢)認為雲林人工湖計畫除了能提供與穩定用水外,對於當地景觀多樣性與豐富休閒資源也有相當大的助益。並有近半數的居民期待雲林人工湖對於當地能提供「農業用水」、「促進觀光發展」與「提供休閒遊憩的場所」的功能。在景觀偏好方面顯示:當地居民偏好戶外休閒場合為半天然、有少部分人工設施的區域。並將調查當地民眾所偏好景觀與設施之結果與雲林人工湖計畫作對照,作為日後相關發展之參考。在感受與認同方面顯示:雲林人工湖在未來發展時,在規劃設計上若能融入當地的特色或景觀則更能獲得地方居民的認同,並能增進當地居民的使用程度與管理效益,也可避免公共建設閒置與浪費。 Because of the constraints in congenitally environmental factors and transformations of environmental demand in our society, the demand for water resources and utilization quantity are multiplicative. Due to the facts that the life-span of reservoirs are getting shorter and upland reservoirs are in saturate stage, it is inevitable to develop man-made lakes and reservoirs at ground level for saving of water resource in Taiwan. Therefore, the planning and development in artificial lakes is an important subject for investigation and research. This research subject - Yunlin artificial lake, located in the Yunlin country, covers four towns, that is Huwei, Tuhu, Baojhong and Dongshih. This research take the local inhabitants who live in the Yunlin artificial lake plan area as the object of investigation, by the questionnaire survey and the interview way to understand the local resident about the environment cognition, landscape preference ,the feeling and identification of Yunlin artificial lake, based on the inhabitants’ expectation in landscape development, this research is expected that it can be a basis and reference for the future development and adjustment of Yunlin artificial lake. After on-the-spot investigation and interviews, it is found that the local inhabitants, living in Huwei, Tuhu, Baojhong and Dongshih, deemed that the Yunlin artificial lake plan not only can provide with the stable water used but also enrich the local landscape multiplicity and leisure resources.Nearly half of inhabitants expect that the Yunlin artificial lake should provide functions in“agricultural irrigation”,“promotion and development in tourism” and “provision of place for leisure and amusement”. It shows that the local inhabitants prefer half-natural and few artificial facilities in places for outdoors leisure. The result will compare with Yunlin artificial lake plan for future reference. It also shows that, in the future development, the integration of local characteristics and landscape will be a power to obtain the inhabitant's approval and increase the usage and advantage of management. In the mean time, it avoids the public construction idling and wasting. |