環顧整個歌仔戲團生態,只能用內憂外患來形容,各歌仔戲劇團無不大顯身手去吸引觀眾駐足觀賞,期望觀眾成為該劇團的戲迷,贏得「觀眾群」,在市場中最具吸引力。因此了解觀眾進而成為戲迷的關鍵過程,是歌仔戲劇團經營者、傳統藝術發展及傳承者刻不容緩的事。 本研究藉由半結構式訪談大綱為主軸,一對一深度訪談「明華園」戲迷,並採用立意抽樣與滾雪球抽樣方式尋求不同熱衷程度、年齡層、職業、婚姻狀態、學歷及戲齡的自願受訪者做為訪談對象,研究樣本共有18位。 從迷的初次參與動機,「明華園」對迷的吸引力,迷的行為反應,迷的持續參與動機,迷的休閒利益及迷的背離原因分析等六個面向分析訪談資料,研究結果發現,「明華園」戲迷具有認真休閒者及迷的六項特質:積極的參與者、全心全意的投入、產生愉悅感與利益、用心學習與創造、形成獨特的社交圈與次文化、具有強烈的認同感。最後,本研究依研究結果,提出學術與實務上的建議,期望成為各歌仔戲業者經營方針的重要參考依據,並吸引更多的年輕人投入、喜歡這本土劇曲,讓歌仔戲可以向下紥根,為傳統文化的傳承盡一分心力。 Serious of threats existed within Taiwanese opera community today, opera groups fought for survival everyway they can, hoping to win the admiration of opera fans in this competitive market. Hence, by understanding the transforming process took place in becoming an opera fan is crucial for every opera administrator and traditional art performers. This study is based on semi-structured in-depth interview of the “Ming Hwa Yuan “Taiwanese opera fans and uses purposed sampling and snowball sampling way to seek differently craves the degree, the age level, the occupation, the marital condition, the school record and the play age voluntary participant does is interview the object, the research sample altogether has 18. The data collected are analyzed from 6 difference perceptivities: the motivation for fan’s very first experience; what attracts them to “Ming Hwa Yuan”; behavior; devotion; motivation for devoted participation; the leisure benefits and reasons for dropping out. The results suggested that the fans not only are serious participants, there are also 6 other typical fan characteristics found, including: active participation; devotion , accompanying enjoyment and advantages ; creativity and active learning; formation of an unique social group and sub-culture; sense of identification. In conclusion, this study offers both academic and practical suggestions for the opera administrators on how to attract newcomers from younger generation who enjoys local drama. Finally, by doing so we hope to make our contribution in preserving this unique culture.