由於,高爾夫運動在台灣蓬勃的發展起來,並擁有眾多運動人口,深具廣大群眾熱愛,近來政府以「高爾夫平民化」為發展主軸,積極推動高爾夫平民化運動,協助扭轉一般人認為,高爾夫乃貴族運動的錯誤觀念,且積極扶植高爾夫球場之營運,期待經由政府的宣導及球場的配合,可讓國人更了解高爾夫真正意涵,並辦理如亞巡賽等常態性的大型活動,以帶動高爾夫運動產業的蓬勃發展。因此,本研究利用Mehrabian & Russell (1974)的情緒模式,建立本研究之架構與假設,從環境刺激、情緒狀態與內心反應間的關係,瞭解高爾夫球友的需求與體驗。嘉南地區六大球場的239位球友為本研究之問卷調查對象。經由結構方程式之分析結果顯示,球場的意象顯著影響打球情緒,而其情緒也進而影響球友之最終滿意度與忠誠度。這些結果說明,高爾夫業者應關心影響球友情緒之內心需求與環境要素,以提高球友對球場之滿意度與忠誠度。 In recent years, the game of Golf has attracted much interest as popular sports in Taiwan. From the viewpoint of consumer behavior, this research therefore tried to explore the effect of golf experience on golf image and loyalty. The research conduct a questionnaire survey in 4 golf courses of Chiayi-Tainan Area and a valid sample of 456 golf players were obtained. The main results were:1)On average, golf players visit golf course once a week in groups of four people each and average expenses is NT 1,380;2)the motivations of golf players in Chiayi-Tainan Area were for exercise and leisure;3)golf players paid much attentions to service quality, scenery and transportation of golf courese;4)emotional and relational experiences had the significant effect on golf image;5)the service quality of Caddies and golf course design had a significant effect on customer loyalty.