旅遊活動空間轉換之本質,將人的身心徹底自生活原點抽離,從體驗異文化中,追求真善美的人生。本研究以電影《威尼斯早晨》為題材,從脫軌、旅行、返家三個面向分析電影文本中「心」的旅遊,與旅程結束後的歸來、蛻變,顯現「旅遊」在各個階段的不同樣貌;並以現代社會現象異化與疏離的論述觀點切入,剖析人不得不旅行的內在及外在因素,即是為了尋找緩解的出口、體現存在感、追求自我實現、感悟生命的真諦。從Durkheim的「神聖/世俗」以及Gennep「過渡儀式」的理論觀點,Graburn和Jafari所建立的旅遊模型皆闡述旅遊對人生命轉化的影響。本研究以文本分析方法中敘事研究的途徑,詮釋旅遊的朝聖本質與移動所產生的內在能動性。從中世紀的朝聖之旅、因宗教目的而發生的十字軍東征、文藝復興時期以教育學習為目的的壯遊,國家擴張的航海探險、到近代的大眾旅遊、現代的個人深度之旅,最大的特點便是在旅遊與日常生活建立起時空的邊界,神聖的旅遊、世俗的生活,相互更迭。更重要的是,以朝聖追求救贖的儀式現象來看待旅遊移動的過程,具有「心靈再造」、「克服困境」的內隱特質,體現旅遊對人生命發展的儀式性導引,將生命過渡至不同層次之階段。 The experience of visiting exotic places gives the tourist an opportunity to extract himself from the mundaneness of everyday life. Living in a different time-space conjunction creates a gap where we can explore human possibilities in different cultures. My dissertation utilises the film “Monday Morning” to analyse the subject of travel. I focus my attention on three specific aspects/stages of the topic: the escape, the journey and the return. The main concern of my research is to map out the social and psychological background of travel. Borrowing the insights of Emile Durkheim (the divide between the sacred and the profane) and Gennep (rites of passage) and the synthesis of Graburn and Jafari, I argue that travel constitutes a significant outlet for relief, for self-fulfilment and for experiencing the meaning of existence and life. By using the narrative analysis method, I interpret the pilgrimage aspects of travel and the inner mobility which relates to the change of scene. The chronological transformation of travel: the Pilgrimage in the middle-age, the Crusade, the eye-opening journeys made by scholars during the Renaissance, the expansionist, cross-oceanic ventures, the modern-day popular tourism, and the in-depth explorations all redefine the boundary and interchange between everyday life and travel. Specifically, the pilgrimage dimensions of travel bring out a more spiritual angle of the experience; i.e., the restructuring of the mind and the triumph over difficulties. From such a perspective, travel can be seen as a ritual: a process which ushers in the beginning of a new life stage for any accidental tourist.