摘要: | 中國自1949年建政以來,歷經抗美援朝、懲越戰爭的洗禮,才發現過去賴以保國衛民的人民戰爭思想,實不足以應付現代化之戰爭。此外,經80年代外軍局部戰爭、90年代波灣戰爭與美軍軍事事務革命風潮下的科索沃、阿富汗、伊拉克戰爭中空軍作戰特點的影響,警覺到未來戰爭的主角將是空軍,制空作戰的勝負決定戰場勝負;遂將過去作戰思想由守勢到國土防空轉變成高科技局部戰爭思想,俾為未來戰爭指導,故不遺餘力發展新武器系統;儘管,在跨越式武器裝備發展政策下,中國已具備反衛星作戰能力,空軍軍力已凌駕我軍之上;然而,在缺乏戰略轟炸、空中預警、空中加油、電戰能力等情況下,中國空軍如欲從事聯合攻勢作戰能力,尚亟待精進增強,始能克竟其功。我國當未雨綢繆,強化攻勢建軍,方能平衡中國空軍的優勢,化險為夷。 Since the establishment of PRC in 1949, through the Korean War, and the Sino-Vietnamese War, China has learned that the thought of people’s war cannot fulfill the requirements of modern war. Moreover, spurred by the local war of foreign militaries in 1980s, the Persian Gulf War in 1990s, and the RMA of the U.S., and looking at the employment of the air force on the war of Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq, China is aware that the air force will play a vital role in the future war. Consequently, China has transformed its operation thought from homeland air defense to local war under hi-tech condition, and spared no effort to develop new weapon systems. China has the capacity of anti-satellite, and its air power superior to that of the ROC Air Force. However, for the lack of strategic bombing, AWACS, and airborne refueling capacities, China has to upgrade those capabilities to live up to the joint offensive operation. As an Chinese old saying, “Save up against a rainy day,” R.O.C. shall be devoted to offensive buildup to bridge the military gap between the Taiwan Strait. |