題名: | 美國對中國外交政策之研究─以2001至2007年為例 |
其他題名: | The research of US execute China foreign policy form 2001 to 2007 for instance |
作者: | 溫馨潔 Wen, Hsin-chieh |
貢獻者: | 國際暨大陸事務學系亞太研究碩士班 郭武平 Wu-ping Kuo |
關鍵詞: | 新現實主義;美中關係;先發制人;霸權主義 US-China relations;Preemption;Neo-realism;Hegemony |
日期: | 2007 |
上傳時間: | 2015-05-10 12:05:45 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 共和黨的喬治布希(George W. Bush)就任美國第四十三屆總統以來,美國的對華政策開始進行調整,美中關係(US-China relations)的演變成為了其外交政策的重要一環。小布希政府對華政策主要內涵包括促進中國政權和平演變、繼續維持中華民國的政經制度、反對中國對台動武、鼓勵台海兩岸以對話及談判方式解決爭端、不會容忍改變台灣地位的行動,並鼓勵台灣加入功能性的國際組織等,美國設法維持兩岸關係的現狀仍是其對華政策的主要思維。小布希就任後美國對中國的政策明顯趨於強硬,對俄國是拉攏多於打擊,對中國則是壓制多於示好,不同於柯林頓政府時期將中國視為「戰略夥伴」關係;小布希將中國視為「戰略競爭對手」。美國除了繼續在亞太地區維持相當數量的駐軍外,更以鞏固以美國為首的亞太雙邊安全體系,也就是強化與日本、南韓、菲律賓等盟友的關係為主要目標,透過雙邊安全聯盟與軍事夥伴關係的建立,積極籌組區域安全機制來應付可能的亞太危機,從地緣戰略的角度視之,美國建構圍堵中國的戰略佈署已隱然形成。 此外,「九一一」事件(911 incident)所引發的反恐戰爭,則揭開了新世紀美國對外新關係的序幕,進而改變了國際社會的權力結構與戰略的佈局,因此小布希大幅調整國家安全戰略的思維,追求積極主動與絕對安全的戰略作為。九一一事件後,改變原先小布希對威脅來源的看法,也改變對中國的定位。「先發制人」戰略的提出意味著美國正調整執行幾十年之久的「威懾和遏制」戰略,這一轉變不僅會撼動美國大戰略的支柱,根本性改變美國戰略決策思維,而且將對國際法和聯合國體制構成重大挑戰。而九一一事件後美國的全球戰略尤其是亞太戰略是否會出現改變或調整值得深入探討。美國因應九一一事件的另一項戰略調整,即是改變過去以「威脅為基礎」(threat-based)的防衛思維,而強調「能力為基礎」(capability-based)的戰略思維。其實美國在出兵伊拉克之前,美國國防部向小布希總統與國會提交的2002年度的《國防報告》(Annual Defense Report 2002),就已嘗試建構出一種基於能力(Capabilities-Based Approach)的戰略執行政策途徑。 然而,亞太地區由於經濟成長快速,已成為下一世紀不可忽視的經貿力量,而中國經濟的崛起已經是個不爭的事實。中國無論在意識形態、經濟和軍事上都有可能對美國造成威脅,或將使亞太的權力平衡產生結構性的改變,所以未來亞太安全環境的變遷與重組,中美的關係實為亞太安全變遷的關鍵因素。本文從小布希總統的外交團隊及他過去的領導風格來看小布希政府的外交與兩岸政策,而小布希外交團隊的主要成員幾乎都呈現古典現實主義特徵,是摩根索(Hans J. Morgenthau)一脈相承的信徒,他們也強調美國不會退縮以及會佈署「全國飛彈防禦」系統的決心(這顯示了他們不是意識型態掛帥),他們尊重國際現實,但卻堅持以實力為原則。 在對華政策上,小布希本質上延續柯林頓政府的中國政策,即擴大與中國的交往與合作,以降低緊張減少衝突。小布希政府團隊認為當前及未來國際安全與和平,繫於美國如何找出一條路來應付俄國與中國,因為這兩個大國對美國國家利益同等重要。在新現實主義思維下,小布希政府採取的「霸權主義」(Hegemony)全球戰略,在對中國經濟戰略上仍會繼續以「建設性的夥伴」關係與中國交往,這對美國而言是,是較符合美國長期的國家利益。而美國與中國的關係在九一一事件後也有所改善,但雙方仍在台海議題、人權以及反恐議題上存有歧見。 George Bush of Republican Party Since taking up the post of the 43rd president of the United States, the America foreign policy to China, has begun to be adjusted. U.S.-China relations development becomes an important part of its foreign policy. The main intension of the foreign policy to China of George W. Bush's government includes promoting China's regime peaceful evolution, continue maintaining the political economy system of the Republic of China, against China's using force to Taiwan, encouraging both sides of Taiwan Straits to solve the dispute, will not be tolerated and changed the action of the status of Taiwan in talking and negotiation way, encourage Taiwan to join functional international organization, etc.. The current situation that America tries to keep the cross-Straits relations is still its policy on China's core thinking. America obviously becomes more and more tough to the policy of China after George W. Bush takes up one's post, draws Russia over to one's side more than attacking, suppress China more than expressing friendship, that is different from Clinton government period to regard China as the strategic partner relation; George W. Bush regards China as the strategic competitor. Except U.S.A. continues maintaining the garrisoning of a considerable amount of in Asia-Pacific, and try to consolidating U.S.A. is the head of the bilateral safe system of the Asia-Pacific and America. That is to say, America's main goal is to strengthen the relation with allies with as Japan, Korea and Philippines. Through the setting-up of the bilateral safe alliance and military partnership, prepare and organize the safe mechanism in the area actively to deal with the possible Asia-Pacific crisis, from geo- strategy perspective, that America constructs a strategic containment to China has already takes shape latently and rightly. In addition, 911 incident initiated the Anti-terrorism wars, have opened the prelude of America’s foreign new relation in the new century, then has changed the power structure of the international community and strategy overall arrangement. Therefore, George W. Bush adjusts the thinking of national security strategy, he pursue the positive with strategy when absolutely is safe as. The 911 incident changes George W. Bush's view to threaten the source, change the localization of China's preemption. Proposition of strategy mean America try to adjust a long strategy that has been used for less than decades, this transition will not merely shake the pillar of America's strategy, and become fundamental change on America's strategic policy thinking, and will form the great challenge to international law and the UN system. Whether America changes its global strategy especially Asia-Pacific strategy after the 911 incident is very worth to be discuss. America answer 911 incident of another strategic re-adjustments, that is, change with threat-based in the past defense thinking, and change to emphasize the capability-based strategic thinking. In fact, before dispatching troops to Iraq, " defense report " in 2002 which American Ministry of National Defense refers to president George W. Bush, and Congress, have already tried to build and construct one out because of ability Capabilities-Based Approach strategy. However, Asia-Pacific area’s economy grows up fast, have already become economic and trade center which can't be ignored in the next century, and the emergence of China's economy is an irrefutable fact. No matter China probably threatens America. on ideology, economy and military affairs, or will make the Asia-Pacific balance of power produce the structural change, so changes and reorganization of the safe environment of the Asia-Pacific area in the future, the relation of China and the United States is the key factors of safe changes of the Asian-Pacific area in fact. This text comes to see the policies of diplomatic and two sides of Bush's government from president George W. Bush, diplomatic group and his leadership style in the past, and the main members of Bush diplomatic group nearly all present Neo-realism characteristic. They are Hans J. Morgenthau believer coming down in a continuous line, they emphasize either U.S.A. shrink back and can cloth administration ' National Missile Defense System (reveal this they assume command by ideology) .They respect international reality, but insist on the principle of capability. On the policy to China, Bush extends the policy to China of Clinton government in essence, expands association and cooperation with China, reduces the conflict in order to reduce intensely. The group of Bush's government thinks that the international security and peace now and in the future depends on how America find out how to deal with Russia and China. Because this two big country’s benefit equally important to America. Under the thinking of Neo-realism, Bush's government adopt the hegemony on global strategy. America will still continue associating with the constructive partner 's relation with China and that is more match to America's long-term national benefit. America and China's foreign relations has improve after the 911 incident, but both sides still have forks to see on the Taiwan Straits topic, human rights and anti-terrorism topic. |
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