本文的主軸係在探討台灣製鞋產業在國際生產網絡中的真正競爭優勢。國際生產網絡的形成有賴於貿易全球化的蓬勃發展,以及國際生產的分工日趨專業所致;企業在國際生產網絡中的競爭優勢探討,以Michael Porter對此議題等諸項研究為最。台灣製鞋業等傳統產業是否真的是種正在萎縮的產業?現今的發展狀況又是如何?台灣製鞋業身為全球生產網絡的供給方,此產業目前競爭力究竟由何而來,更是本研究欲深入探討之重點。專論製鞋業競爭優勢的文獻委實有限,相關論述皆以其歷史及發展狀況的經驗陳述為主,或是對該產業的概略性敘述。本文便針對製鞋業優勢的內涵做較為深入之探討,採用質性研究,透過深度訪談(in-depth interviews)以及田野調查的方式,對業界的管理階層、經營者進行訪談,並深入工廠訪查,輔以該產業近年消長的統計數據,以及製鞋業在國內外的發展狀況加以評析、佐證。台商在此網絡中的合作表現,在於彼此信任合作之互惠行為,多數的先行研究均提及台商之間信任合作的關係,此信任合作之實際作為表現於付款行為上,透過雙邊或是多邊的信任,讓彼此業務進行更為流暢。透過本研究得以了解製鞋業並非夕陽工業,且多數在外工作之台商、台幹仍是心繫台灣;對於產業發展之現況與期待,我國政府該如何給予更多支持與幫助將是另一大考驗,筆者亦針對研究結果,在此提出結論與建議。 The goal of this research is to probe into the competitive advantages of Taiwan's footwear industries in international production networks. The development of international production networks has been depending on fast growth of global trade and specialization of international divisions. Michael Porter is famous for his studies on several issues of competitive advantages. Is it true that such kind of traditional industries like Taiwan's footwear industries are declining? What is the situation of their development recently? Taiwan's footwear industries play the role of suppliers in global production networks. The origin of competitiveness of Taiwan's footwear industries is the essence of this study. There are many articles focusing on history of their development and characters, but only a handful articles discussing the competitive advantages of Taiwan's footwear industries. The research methods used in this study including field-research in different factories, and in-depth interview with owners and managers. Complementary data and statistics analysis was conducted wherever is necessary. Trust and cooperation are important behaviors in Taiwan's footwear production networks. Actions of their trust and cooperation were manifest best on payment of their trade. Business could be done more fluently by reciprocal trust and cooperation. This study could explain that footwear industries are not sun-set ones. Many overseas Taiwanese managers in footwear industries are concerning the future development situations of Taiwan's footwear industries. This paper will also indicate the challenges to get Taiwan's government supports.