東亞高峰會自2005年召開以來,已經舉辦三次會議,分別簽署《東亞高峰會吉隆坡宣言》、《東亞能源安全宿霧宣言》與《氣候變化、能源與環境新加坡宣言》。東亞高峰會參與國有東協十國加上中國、日本、韓國與紐西蘭、澳洲、印度共十六國。參與國人口約30億,達到全球人口的二分之一,參與國生產總額約9.2兆,經濟規模約全球的五分之一,對區域與全球政治經濟的影響不容小覷。 本論文主要以東亞高峰會為探討主體,並以國際關係理論新自由制度主義(Neo-liberal Institutionalism)的觀點解析東亞高峰會之形成與成果。首先討論東亞高峰會的成立的歷史淵源與背景;其次,就歷屆東亞高峰會《宣言》與《主席聲明》進行彙整與分析;最後,以新自由制度主義理論分析東亞高峰會的成果。 This thesis discusses the East Asia Summit (EAS) which comprises16 countries, the 10 ASEAN countries, China, Japan, India, Australia and New Zealand had already held three times meetings and signed three declarations. No doubt the EAS represents almost 50 percent of the world’s population and over 20 percent of the world’s trade in so far the EAS show the influence to the regional and global political economic. The main research of this study is to observe the formation, evolution, and institutional functions of the EAS from the perspective of the Neo-Liberal Institutionalism. As being a new born summit in the East Asia, EAS might be a milestone for the intra three regions cooperation; we are looking forward to see the achievements in the coming fourth EAS.