透過網路傳播的無遠弗屆,人們每日接觸到的網路廣告越來越多。然而,在以往的一些網路廣告中,並沒有完整的系統整合,使得消費者平日所接觸到的網路廣告多半不是本身所感興趣的資訊,因而不容易引起消費者去點擊或瀏覽,造成網路廣告的整體點擊率(Click Through Rate, CTR)普遍偏低,使得廣告業主對於網路廣告的投資意願也跟著大為降低。為了解決此一問題,本文以提升網路廣告點擊效益為前提下,提出使用網路服務(Web Services)技術及公開金鑰架構(Public Key Infrastructure,PKI)技術來建立一個匯整廣告資訊並提供使用者查詢連結的網路廣告資訊系統 (Internet Advertisement Information System,IAIS)架構。IAIS是以網路服務技術(Web Services)為核心,並結合廣告業主及其廣告供應商,使該系統能夠提供使用者快速搜尋到想要的服務及廣告訊息。在使用者查詢的過程中,透過UDDI(Universal Description , Discovery and Integration; 統一描述、發現和整合)註冊中心聯繫所查詢廣告的相關廠商及自動整合廣告訊息於介面上來回應給使用者瀏覽參考,藉由系統提供消費者所要的網路廣告資訊來提升廣告主的廣告效益。 In recent years, the network technology progresses fast, information which people need increases day by day. It is fantastic if industries and companies make a good use of Internet to advertise. However, the traditional Internet advertisements such as mobile phone, E-mails or pup-up ads , are still in the state of chaos, and lack of a central union system, customers may be easily confused and ignore these ads. In order to solve the problem of low click through rate (CTR), and to arrest customers' interests, this paper proposes a Internet Advertisement Information System(IAIS)to build a trustful and efficient advertising central system to combine information from different industries and companies. IAIS builds an information system to act as a complete platform. When users start to search, the information center will connect related industries or companies rapidly, and offers the information which matches the users' taste and demand. In addition, IAIS provides a solution to increase the CTR of Internet advertisement.