台灣汽車零組件產業自1950年代發展以來,即持續受到政府多項政策之保護。然而,台灣於2002年正式加入世界貿易組織後,政府為因應世界貿易組織會員間的基本法規,修改汽車零組件產業之零組件的進口關稅及汽車自製率等規章。因此,隨著國內汽車零組件產業的保護政策取消,汽車製造業者有較大選擇空間採用進口零組件,造成國內汽車零組件廠商面臨更激烈的競爭,進而影響台灣汽車零組件廠商產出及廠商生產力。 本文檢測加入WTO後對台灣汽車零組件廠商生產力的影響。實證結果顯示:(1)台灣汽車零組件廠商之資本存量與勞動工時均對產出有正向且顯著之貢獻;(2)加入WTO後,廠商的生產力有顯著的增加,表示進入WTO後促使我國汽車零組件廠商生產力提升;(3)雖然以廠商市場佔有率和資本存量為權數之加權生產力皆高於平均生產力,但市佔率和資本存量與生產力的共變數卻為負相關,顯示並非所有市佔率或資本存量愈大之廠商其生產力愈高;(4)廠商的勞動工時效率性則從2002年逐年提高至2006年,表示廠商在勞動工時此生產要素之運用上愈來愈具效率,亦即生產力高的廠商生產較多,而生產力低的廠商則生產較少。 Taiwan’s automobile components industry, a long-term government protective industry, is expected to be affected enormously by Taiwan’s accession to the WTO because the reduction of the average nominal tariff rate as well as the elimination of the local content and sourcing requirements on production have made the global automobile components industry become more competitive. To counter the potential shocks associated with Taiwan’s WTO entry, both government and manufacturers have long been implementing an array of responsive measures, as a result, the WTO membership may launch an opportunity for automobile components producers to facilitate industrial upgrading and business restructuring. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze how the productivity of automobile components producers changes by Taiwan’s accession to the WTO. To achieve this goal, we estimate the parameters of a production function for the automobile components industry of Taiwan, and then use those estimates to analyze the evolution of productivity. The empirical results show that capital investments and labor inputs have a significant, positive impact on firms’ sales respectively. The productivity of automobile components manufacturers increased significantly after Taiwan’s accession to the WTO. The weighted average of firm-level productivities by output and capital are higher than the un-weighted average of firm-level productivity; however, the covariance between firm-level output and firm-level productivity as well as correlation coefficient between firm-level capital and firm-level productivity are negative after 2001. Finally, there is an increase in the efficiency of the allocation of labor inputs after 2002.