早期企業求才與個人求職的方式不外乎就是透過報紙、雜誌刊登求才廣告,及張貼職缺公告等等諸如此類的正式管道,亦或是透過親友、師長及家族人士推荐等這類非正式管道為主,其對於就業市場資訊流通的效果往往顯得十分有限,使得工作搜尋者與廠商之間存在著資訊的不完全,進而導致就業媒合的過程既耗時且又費力。然而,近年來由於資訊科技的突飛猛進(例如:求才辦公室電腦化、網路求才廣告、網路人力銀行的興起…等),上網人口的快速提昇,使得資訊流通的效果明顯提升。 所以本文主要是欲探討1996~2006年間,台灣就業市場是否因網際網路資訊科技的蓬勃發展所帶來就業媒合電腦化,而使得工作配對過程更具效率,進而降低勞動市場之磨擦性。因此,本文嘗試以OLS與GMM估計法估計Translog配對函數,藉此觀察台灣就業市場中要素投入(職缺、失業人數)對產出(安置就業數)報酬的情況。實證結果顯示,2000年後之網際網路的普及,使得就業媒合變得更多元化,求職者因能掌握更多職缺訊息,進而讓求職者更容易找到符合自身需求之工作機會,所以對於求職者而言是呈現正的外部性影響。但廠商所提供的工作職缺,在更多其他廠商加入競爭之後,變得更不容易找到合適的人才,因此對於工作職缺而言則是呈現負的外部性影響。 Recent rapid advances in information technology have made the job matching process more effective and convenient. However, little empirical evidence has been brought to bear on its magnitude. Using Monthly Bulletin of Labor Statistic of Taiwan for the period between August 1996 and December 2006, this study employs OLS and GMM estimation methods to estimate a translog model of the labor market matching technology to evaluate the recent reforms in the matching process on the efficiency of the search equilibrium in terms of the degree of returns to sale and the externality effects. The empirical results suggest that the efficiency of the search equilibrium have not been enhanced. However, the impacts that externalities have on unemployment have been positive since 2002, but the impacts that externalities have on vacancy have been negative.