全文筆數/總筆數 : 18278/19583 (93%)
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題名: | 東亞金融危機之分析與匯價量座標模型之建構應用 |
其他題名: | A Study on East-Asia Financial Crisis and Construction of Exchange Rate-Quantity Coordinate with Application |
作者: | 余佳真 |
貢獻者: | 亞洲太平洋研究所 孫以清 |
關鍵詞: | 金融危機;金融風暴;匯率;匯量;座標 |
日期: | 1999 |
上傳時間: | 2015-05-11 15:33:30 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 從六十年代到八十年代,東亞經濟成長率高達8%以上,為世界各地之冠。九十年代初期,西方發達國家的經濟低迷不振時,東亞經濟--尤其是亞洲四小虎--仍保持高速增長。為求驅動經濟更快速的成長,九十年代中期,產業部門不斷擴充產能,金融、資本市場加快自由化的腳步,以吸引更多外資投入,維持經濟的增長。然而在金融體制尚未健全,金融市場及資本市場也缺少一套成熟的管理機制的情況下,東南亞各國競相放寬金融管制,無疑是在沙灘上建高樓,隱患重重,極易誘發泡沫經濟。終於,1997年7月2日泰國宣佈放棄實施長達13年之久的釘住美元匯率制,改採管理式浮動匯率之後,當日泰銖鉅貶19.55%,很快就擴散至經濟體質與泰國相近的馬來西亞、菲律賓、印尼等國家的貨幣,形成非常嚴重的東南亞金融風暴。隨後就連經濟基本面較佳之新加坡,台灣、香港等貨幣亦先後受到波及,同年11月金融風暴由東南亞吹向東北亞,日本、韓國也都籠罩在風暴的陰影下,頃刻間,幾乎所有東亞地區都陷入前所未有的經濟災難當中。除被捲入風暴的東亞各國貨幣鉅貶,股價重挫外,並進一步蔓延,從亞洲的區域性金融危機擴大及於俄羅斯及拉丁美洲。 基於上述的說明,本研究同時從匯價與匯量的觀點來分析東亞各國金融政策,其中,我們先針對東亞金融危機繪製一流程圖,以呈現導致金融風暴之遠因與近因及其脈絡關係;此外,更建構了匯價量雙變數座標模型,以政策手段面作為分析評量的工具,在「自由」與「管制」兩派不同論點之間,尋求一個最佳解釋風暴成因之假說,而得到以下的結論: 一、 當一國其匯價政策採取管制,而其匯量政策採取自由,該國容易遭受投機客狙擊的可能性迅速升高,故受傷情況嚴重。例如泰國、馬來西亞、印尼、韓國等。 二、 當一國政府的外匯政策採取其匯價與匯量均自由,例如新加坡;或者一國政府的外匯政策採取匯價自由匯量管制時,例如台灣,以及一國政府匯價與匯量均採取管制的政策時,例如中國大陸,則受傷情況相對較輕。 所以,為避免貨幣危機的再度發生,本研究建議不應採取匯價管制同時匯量自由之政策。 For the past three decades, East Asia and South East Asia experienced a fast economic growth. To maintain such a high growth rate, many countries in these areas began to open their financial market to foreign investors in the earlier 1990s. However, this was the main factor that directly contributed to the financial crisis beginning in Thailand in July of 1997 and quickly spreading throughout these areas. This thesis examines the government policy of intervention/non-intervention on the market of foreign exchange, and constructs a theoretical foundation to explain the causes of financial crisis. The explanation constructed by this study is based upon two variables: 1) governmental control over its foreign exchange rate, and 2) governmental control over its foreign capital flow. Based upon these two variables, this study construct an abstract model which successfully explains the degree which East Asian countries suffer from the financial turmoil during the 1997 and 1998 period. The major argument of this study is that when a government takes action to intervene in the exchange rate but not capital flow, its currency will become the most favorable target for international speculators. However, if a government takes some alternative policies, its currency will only suffers a limited damage. These alternative include1) intervening in the capital flow but not exchange rate 2) non-intervening on both the capital flow and exchange rate, or 3) intervening on both capital flow and exchange rate. Therefore, my study analyzes empirical data for eight countries and discusses the reasons of financial crisis. This thesis finds out that if a country take any one of these alternative policies, they indeed suffer less in this crisis, such as Singapore, Taiwan and China. |
顯示於類別: | [國際事務與企業學系(亞太研究碩士班,公共政策研究碩士班,歐洲研究碩士班)] 博碩士論文-亞太研究碩士班
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