本論文以馬來西亞華人為例,從海外華人移民至東南亞各地的歷史開始著手,並企圖耙梳馬華在當地的活動情形,這樣的變化透過華人在馬國的職業取向而可以加以掌握。 以傳統中國「家」的概念出發,利用社會組織中血緣、地緣即業緣而組織自願性社團,華人移民至馬來西亞也建立了傳統的社會組織,這樣的社會組織在移民國家扮演了非常重要的角色。但同樣在不同時期傳統社會組織會在各種不同的需求之下而發生轉變,本文探討在變化之下而有的適應方法,發現社會組織產生橫向和垂直的整合。另外文中也討論影響文化變遷的因素,政策的決定將影響文化變遷的方向,以馬來西亞的新經濟政策和華人的教育政策為例予於說明。 華人利用「關係」和「網絡」的方式於社會活動更甚商業活動,也是移植自傳統中國的組織方式,而馬華利用傳統的方式而賦予新的意義,在其中創造出許多的社會資源。 This paper is an attempt to analyze the activities the Malaysian Chinese since they immigrated from China since the 19th century .The author tries to examine their occupational differentiation pattern and its changes in order to find out the significances. Taking their tradition socio-culture pattern in consideration , the Malaysian Chinese have created associations related to the principle of kinship and locality. Based on those voluntary associations, they have built up a very both comprehensive and intensive network so that they could survive in an ever changing situation. The author discuss detailedly the associations' functions which have been adjusted in different periods and places for getting a better adaptation. Factors which affect the change of the Malaysian Chinese culture , including those of the local government policy, such as the New Economic Policy and Education Policy, have also been discussed. In the present treatise , both the terms of "Relationship" and "Network" are applied to the Malaysian Chinese social and business activities in their voluntary associations for delineating a new context.