〈愛沙尼亞、拉脫維亞、立陶宛)處於後冷戰時期的國際秩序架構中,體認到加入北約以融入歐洲集體防禦體系,而與西歐一體化、與俄羅斯關係正常化,方為其防衛國家安全的上乘選擇。美國為使波海三國納編進其勢力範圍,避免俄羅斯再度入侵波海三國,故也將波海三國列為「北約東擴」的重要目標之一。俄羅斯面對這種態勢,基於國家尊嚴、經濟利益、以及歐洲地位的考量,極力反對波海三國加入北約。但在北約「信心建立措施」、「合作性安全」的運作之下,及俄羅斯本身的政經條件日漸衰退,俄羅斯對波海三國加入北約的反對態度已漸趨軟化。作者認為,新自由機制主義的「信心建立措施」、「合作性安全」兩大途徑是波海三國加入北約正在運用也必須持續進行的最佳戰略。 In the new environment of the international order structure under the Post Cold War, the Baltic States ( Estonia , Latvia , Lithuanian )had realized that the best method to uphold the national security was to join the NATO, to participate with the collective defense system in Europe, to unify with the Western Europe, and to achieve the normalization with Russia in mutual political relationships. For the intention of integrating the Baltic States into its purlieu, the United States concerned the Baltic States as the important objects for their plan called " NATO Enlargement". Based on the concern of national dignity, economic benefits, and the international position in Europe, Moscow strictly opposed against the idea to allow the three states joining the NATO. However, under the works of NATO's " Confidence building measures, CBMs ", the Russian government's attitude has gradually been softened. The author believes that the " CBMs " is the best strategy for the Baltic states to use and has to be continued to achieve the goal of joining the NATO.