摘要: | 80年代以來,社會型態的大幅轉型以及台灣文學人口的結構變遷,直接促成了女作家跨入文壇領域,造成女作家風起雲湧備受讚賞的風光局面。而這時西方的女性主義運動的改革目標除了爭取女性的外在權利之外,更直接帶動了婦女議題的深入研究。台灣文學研究也深受世界大環境的影響,女性文學作品或女性主義文學評論,都將砲口集中在文學傳統中的父權典律,批判文學典律與性別政治的曖昧關聯。當性別意識引進文學批評中,便擴大了文學的關注與範疇,自此文本不但成為父權體制運作展佈的空間,亦將焦點集中於男尊女卑的社會化建制,探索兩性的心靈結構和社會權力運作的模式,企圖對父權機制進行解構與解碼。 近年來台灣文學對於女性作家的研究也已累積相當的成果,在當代女作家之中,平路無疑是致力於女性書寫重要的作家之一。她雖由父系文學出發,書寫移民主題中的文化認同、原鄉情懷等男性文學的中心主題,但她警敏的態度,卻能不受制於社會制度與男性思維的牽絆。她對既定的社會文化定見提出重重質疑,在小說之中始終維持著警戒的姿態,這樣的小說無疑已經累積形成一種潛在的力量,不但可以堅定的姿態發聲,更能顛覆各種制式權威,開創新的小說世界。在小說主題上,並非只探究屬於「女性」的部分,亦將反對霸權的姿態擴大到語言的牢籠、意識型態的箝制及社會文化的制約的層面,但是平路小說卻未引起更多評論家的關注。對於平路的小說創作而言,本文雖不是開創性研究,卻是平路小說創作17年(1983-2000)的第一本專論的著作,期能呈現思想背景、發展脈絡、創作特色系統性的完整論述。 本論文的章節安排共分六章:第一章先論述研究動機、作者傳論、研究範圍與研究架構。第二章「從『留學生』文學到『移民』文學」談起,論述男性移民的生活內容及女性的移民生活內容,並專論〈椿哥〉。第三章專論平路的實驗小說,以後設小說、科幻小說及政治小說三方面探究平路的實驗風格。第四章專論平路的歷史小說,以《行》與〈百齡箋〉的紀實與虛構、顛覆官方的歷史,分別探討結合歷史寫實與虛構想像的辯證風格。第五章以女性主義視角為經,敘事學為緯,探究平路小說的敘述者視點、敘述距離、文體與語言實驗。第六章總結平路小說研究的兩項初步結論:其一挖掘「陰性真實」或「陰性價值」的創作歷程;其二省思:女作家由父系文學走向陰性文體的創作歷程。平路小說不僅為文學史重要的參佐資料,更展現文學藝術開放結構釋放書寫的最大感染能量。女作家的專論研究是重建文學史重要的資料,平路小說已積累豐富的文學資源。不論是「感時憂國」的遊子文學、或是掌握時代氛圍的後設書寫、歷史撰述,皆提供質量均優的文本。文本研究但願能提供有關平路小說研究初步的撰述整理。 Whereas the structure of literature and the society ideology had changed in 80's Taiwan, the female writers increased to play a part in literary circles and obtained a lot of appreciation.In the meantime, western feminist innovation was not only to strive for the woman's rights, to go a step further, they went to analyze on woman subjects more deeply. The female write or literary critic in Taiwan are also affected by this innovation, and focus their opinion on the ambiguous relation in the field of patriarchal law, legitimate authority, and the sexual politics. When the conscious of woman rights enter into the literary criticism, it expands the universe and resource of literature. The research on female's work has already got into a fruitful result. Among all the Taiwan female writers on present day, Ping-lu have no doubt is the one of the important writers in the feminine writing. At her first place, the works full of identification with the master stream, but she approached her novel so different that she could cross out the limitation of patriarchy. She keeps calling in question about the hegemony in society and the set rules in literature, and established a brand new fiction style. The thesis of her fiction was not "woman" only, more than that, she broaden it to talk about the language and ideology limitation, and this made her works either form or content so special. This article would not be the very initiated research, but it gathered Ping-lu's all work in the course of her writing(1983-2000), and hope through the argument in every issue could articulate about Ping-lu's thinking, writing and her words manner. This thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter one of this thesis takes a look at the author's autobiography, the purpose, the originality and the writing structure. In the second chapter, the focuses are on the migration life, especially discuss on "Chun-ge". In the third chapter, Ping-lu's experimental strategies, such in the metafiction, science fiction and political fiction is analyzed. In the forth chapter, the focusses are in ping-lu's historical fiction, in search of the authorial truth of strategies. By references to the feminine and narrative approaches, the fifth chapter points out that Ping-lu's writing is entirely absent from man's (patriarchal) which traced to her sex, from the point of view (of feminism), narrate distance, type and language. In the final chapter, it concludes Ping-lu's narrative specificity as "feminine truth" or "feminine value", and the transform of woman writer from masculine writing into feminine writing as an (op)positional discourse to the literary history mandated by the oppressive phallogocentrism. Hence, Pimg-lu's narrative is not only the important research data in the literary history, but also the migration literature, metafiction, historical fiction as it shows the innovation of literary. |