摘要: | 圖書是一種最為傳統的印刷媒介,即使經歷環境變動等因素的沖激,卻始終維持著文字、紙張與印刷等平面媒材要素。而圖書的存在價值不僅止於「作者寫稿謄印成書」的過程。在一個公諸於眾的出版行為本身即結合了知識、技術、社會、經濟等面向,因此圖書顯然無法只用頁數、開本等簡單方式來加以區分定義。況且,在對現代性的探索上,工業(印刷機械)化之後,帶動了書籍生產(圖書出版)的產業化,促使原本單純的出書流程朝向專業分工的方向發展,更確立了圖書出版的多領域結合特質。同時,圖書亦被賦予商品性,致使業者在經營出版品時,經常需面對產品在文化╱經濟價值間的矛盾和難處。本研究認為科技因素在出版領域中扮演著非常重要的角色。人們閱讀紙本書的傳統是長久積累因循成習的,常直接略過印刷及載體等科技層面的影響。而一項新科技在創發階段是否為人所認用,是需經過各種社會因素的試驗。初期,科技的新奇花樣(形式)往往比起其所承載的知識(內容)具有吸引力,但當科技發展成熟,逐漸成為社會結構的一部分時,其重要性與作用力往往漸次減少或甚至是隱而未顯。本研究試圖從電腦科技的進程中,取其核心元素--位元,以概念化的數位出版為主題,探討出版科技往數位化發展之際,對圖書出版業可能造成的衝擊。 本研究主要內涵為:1、剖析傳統圖書出版業的困境。2、討論「數位出版」運作模式。3、探索科技對出版的深度影響。藉由建構出版數位化分析系統架構圖之後設定性研究方法,探索其中的互動關係與科技因素在圖書出版過程中的重要作用,期能提供未來出版業經營上之參考。本論文以觀察圖書出版的數位化現象為發端,藉科技決定論的中介性,突顯在經濟、內容至上觀底下衍生出的傳統出版困局,嘗試從數位出版之運作模式與對媒介科技重要性的深入探討,扭轉長期以來輕視媒介存在意義的價值觀,並回歸圖書出版的整體意識。本研究共分五章:第一章闡述相關研究背景與方法。第二章與第三章分別討論由傳統印刷出版與本研究揭櫫的數位出版間的對比關係,以明確化載體及相關科技要素的重要作用,並論述其優缺點。第四章藉由強調科技決定論的單因缺陷,指出內容或者經濟至上觀的缺失。第五章則提出結論與建議。本研究發現在科技數位化所帶動的產業變革中,圖書原有的紙張媒介產生了載體虛擬化的現象,使得出版業者擔心經營優勢與標的(紙本書)的消失。虛擬化並不僅帶來「替代(無紙、中間產業沒落等)」的疑慮及意涵,更為重要的是帶動了單一網路媒體、個人出版與螢幕閱讀等概念的勃發,促使人們根深蒂固的印象面臨重構。特別是在超文連結、多媒體出版等新科技的應用,除了顛覆傳統線性閱讀與紙張文本的封閉性、印刷出版典範面臨轉移之外,傳統的媒體界線亦產生模糊化現象。此外,漸趨成熟的數位文本,亦促成了「輸出」上的多元化:亦即可視內容的不同適性,自由擇取適切的媒體或載體,而呈現出圖書出版品的多樣化風貌。 Books are the oldest printed mass media, though human living circumstances changed from time to time, it still retains its basic media essence, such as text, paper and printing. The value of book was not only showed in the process of writing, but also in publishing, which involve knowledge, technology, social and economy dimensions. As thus, merely the pages and the octavos can't define books. During this modernity and industrialization period, it pushes forward the publishing industry, and made the label division from simplicity to specific. It established the multifold characteristic of book publishing. Meanwhile, as in the merchandised period, the publishers always face the conflict between culture enterprises and the economic profit. This thesis try to point out that the technological factor is an important support of publishing field. As known, people used to read for long, and thus, they easily omit the technological carrier. This shows that the technological carrier has to wait for socialized. Initially, the modernity of technological carrier is always more arresting than its internal content, however, as technology pass into a general phenomenon, the coverage of its influence would be indistinct. This thesis try to forgo the main element of computer and the ordinary energy/power- "byte", mainly discuss the dilemma facing by the traditionally books publishing and the possibility of digital publishing within the acceleration of computer development. Thus, this thesis include 3 aspects: 1. To analysis the dilemma facing by traditionally book publishing industry; 2. To discuss the digital publishing operation model; and 3. To explore the depth impact of technology The macro and qualitative approaches were used to interpret the importance of technology in book publishing. In order to articulate the book publishing and technological determinism, the examples of digital phenomenon and digital publish operation model were used to solve the dialectical relation between publishing and media. This article consists of five chapters: Ch1 overview on research background and method; Ch2 and Ch3 comparison between traditional publishing and digital publishing; Ch4 through out the discussion on the scarcity of technological determinism, indicate the deficiency of content and the supreme economy; Ch5 conclusion and suggestion As this thesis will shows, the revolution in books publishing do arise the anxiety of book publishers in which their carrier might be eliminated. Simultaneously, this fictitious phenomena arouses the idea of " paperless book", electric books, personal publishing and screen reading, which totally reform the traditional. In use of multimedia, hyperlink and hypertext, the limitation of books has exceeded the linear reading. Eventually, the paradigm of print publishing faced the challenge of shifting and movement. As time passes by, the content of books will be unconstrained in future. |