摘要: | 本研究主要目的,在於了解臨床指導教師之現況;探討不同個人背景變項、環境經驗變項之護理學校臨床指導教師的死亡態度,與死亡教育需求的差異情況;並根據研究結果,提供具體的建議,以作為教育及輔導之參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺灣省、臺北市、及高雄市設有護理科之高級護理學校為受試樣本,有效樣本人數共二百四十九人。採用「死亡態度量表」為研究工具。調查所得資料以因素分析、次數分布、百分比、平均數、標準差、積差相關、t檢定及單因子變異數分析等統計方法,進行統計分析。 茲將研究結果摘要如下: 一、臨床指導教師的死亡態度,以趨近接受的態度為最高,其次為逃離接受的態度,而死亡恐懼、逃避的態度最低。 二、臨床指導教師的死亡態度,因曾有家人自殺、宗教信仰虔誠度、信仰對工作的幫助、談論死亡的情形(包括成長過程、家中談論、與朋友談論)、參加研習課程、臨床指導醫院等級、護理教學年資、臨床指導滿意度、印象最深刻的死亡事件等之不同而有顯著差異。 三、臨床指導教師對死亡教育的需求頗高,其中以「情意」需求最高,其次為「技能」,而「認知」的需求較低。 四、臨床指導教師對死亡教育的需求,會因親戚是、否自殺之不同,在技能需求有顯著差異。 五、臨床指導教師對死亡教育需求度頗高依序為:「當護生照顧病人後哭泣、沮喪、害怕、不安、恐懼處理其悲傷的情緒」、「安寧照顧」、「悲傷輔導」、「引導護生表達照顧瀕死或死亡病患後之心理感受」、「利用小組討論或個別輔導法與護生共同分享照顧瀕死及死亡病患之經驗」。 六、臨床指導教師死亡態度與死亡教育需求之間有顯著的相關性,趨近接受的死亡態度,在認知、技能、情意內容需求之間呈現顯著正相關,此顯示對死亡態度越趨向正向的態度者,對死亡教育的需要越高。 研究者根據研究結果,從學校死亡教育的推展、對臨床指導教師、對臨床指導醫院、師資培訓、及未來研究等五方面提出建議,以供教育人員及未來研究之參考。 This research aims to discuss the following issues: the attitudes toward death among hospital clinical instructors, distribution of needs for death education, personal background and personal environment on the perception of death, and subsequent demands for death education. The result of this research could be of reference for designing death education courses for clinical instructors. The subjects of this research consist of 249 clinical instructors from different nursing schools randomly selected around the island of Taiwan. The research used questionnaires as its instrument. The data are analyzed from factor analysis, frequency distribution,percentile rank, mean, standard dedeviation, pearson product moment correlation,t-test,and one way ANOVA,etc. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Acceptance toward death was high among the instructors interviewed. Figures indicates low percentage of fear or denials. 2. The degrees of needs differ from the subjects’ marital status, family types, experience of discussing death while growing up, job position, hospital level, degree of satisfaction in clinical instruction and impressive death event. 3. Clinical instructors have high demand for death education. The degrees of need are prioritized in terms of the followings domains: Affective,Psychomotor,Cognitive. 4. Needs toward death education among clinical instructors different depending on whether sucide had ever occurred among their relatives 5. The needs toward death education are rated in terms of urgency are as the followings: (1) help nurses to confront fear when their patients die. (2) take care of dying patients. (3) Grief counseling. (4) help nursing students express their reflections on patient’ death. (5) group counseling for sharing experiences. 6. Attitudes toward death of the instructors are closely connected with the needs for death education. The result shows that the more positive the attitudes of the instructor toward death, the more needs they show for death education. These findings may be reference for the design of death education programs,clinical instruction,hospitals,teacher training,and future research. |