在世界經濟發展情勢的國際化與自由化風潮推動下,基本電信市場的開放潮流已在各國掀起一股旋風,台灣當然也無法自立於外。近幾年來,台灣電信市場的蓬勃發展,即是台灣電信自由化的最佳寫照。隨著電信業務的開放,不只加速提升我國電信服務的品質,同時也在各家業者努力擴展市場版圖下,使得電信市場進入激烈的競爭中,中華電信已無法再維持獨佔經營的優勢。而在這股壓力之下,中華電信勢必改善經營體質,同時改變經營策略,因為它不再是市場中的獨佔者,其所面臨的競爭壓力將愈形激烈,因此中華電信必須推動民營化,減少法令的限制,使其各項措施的決策時間可以縮短,增加經營彈性及效率。但中華電信在民營化的推動過程中,卻遭遇了許多的困難,因此本文將對中華電信的民營化政策進行分析,並提出建議,以作為主管機關之參考。 As the world's economy turns toward internationalization and liberalization, elementary telecommunications market of many countries have been opened to public access. Recently, Taiwan is also engaged in efforts to drive privatization and liberalization pilicies of telecommunications industry. For this reason, the telecommunications service is much better to the consumers, but the competition is much tenser to the Chunghwa. Chunghwa already faces vital competition in other telecom areas and isn't a monopolist anymore. And this vital competition has heightened pressures on chunghwa driving privatization. Privatization will bring big benefits to Chunghwa. State-run companies are bogged down by more than 100 government regulations on their operations. The legislature must approve their annual budgets, for example, and they must follow strict civil-service rules on the hiring and firing of employees. After Chunghwa is privatized, it will be in a much better position to react swiftly to changes in the industry, and their efficiency and competitiveness will be raised.This paper then turns its attention to the strategy of Chung-Hwa Telecommunications, and comparisons as well as policy suggestions have been proposed for the government.