題名: | 歐洲資金與中國建設-以1928-1937年中國鐵路建設為案例分析 |
其他題名: | The Role of European Capital in the Chinese Economic Development (1928-1937) |
作者: | 曾惠君 Hui-Chun, Tseng |
貢獻者: | 歐洲研究所 蘇宏達 Hung-Dah Su |
關鍵詞: | 歐洲資金;中國鐵路;30年代中國建設史;中華民國對外關係;一九三0年代;約翰‧莫內;宋子文;國民政府外交政策;中外合資 European Capital;Chinese Railroad;History of Chinese Construction between 1928-1937;Republic of China Foreign Relations (1928-1937);Jean Monnet;Republic of China Foreign Policy;T. V. Soong;Chinese-foreign joint venture |
日期: | 2001 |
上傳時間: | 2015-05-15 15:28:10 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 民國十七年國民政府北伐完成,國內政局始告統一,處於國民經濟元氣大傷的情形之下,籌措各項建設事業已迫在眉燒,然而中央財政備極窘困及百廢待舉之因,根本無力兼顧鐵路建設之事業,然國民經濟之發達與否,係在交通建設之發展,而交通建設之母則賴於完善的鐵路建設。處於國內資本薄弱之情況,國民政府實無能力單憑自身力量獨立完成建設,國民政府終於決定依循孫中山之遺訓,引用外資投入中國鐵路建設。而綜觀國際環境,美國對我雖然可算是支持的態度,但基於其「孤立主義」的立場,並未對我之合作建設一事抱有太大的興趣,故我國政府只能轉而投向歐洲資本的請求援助。本論文之研究目的亦是希望藉由史料的研析,瞭解30年代西歐各國政府對華之外交政策及對華之借貸投資政策。其次,再藉由上述命題之分析,深入探討歐資來華參與中國鐵路建設的始末、貢獻與意義。 本文的研究架構分為下列五章,第一章緒論部份,以探討本文的研究動機、目的、方法、範圍、限制、架構及資料來源、國內相關分析為範圍。第二章導入主題部份,首先以國民政府之外交政策及鐵路建設計劃,以分析國民政府當時之對外政策與鐵路建設計劃之藍圖及鐵路建設之重要性,分析我國如何確定以吸引外資的方式來建設中國鐵路。爾後,第三章則針對歐洲各國對我之國際情勢認知及外交策略,分析歐資來華投資建設鐵路之貢獻及意義。第四章再以被譽為「歐洲整合之父」的莫內,來華協助宋子文籌建「中國建設銀公司」,為個案作為歐資引用的實際案例分析。最後根據筆者結論,國民政府確實在歐資引用之計劃過程中,冀望以此拉攏西歐諸國力量來強化中國國力,然在分析當時整個國際局勢及各西歐國家之立場及對華外交策略而言,西歐諸國之來華投資中國鐵路建設計劃及莫內之來華,實際上並未具有政治協助的意涵,只僅為經濟利益的獲取。不過儘管並未獲得所需之政治上的支持,但實質上我國在鐵路及外交上卻獲得相當輝煌的成就,意義非凡。 While the Kuomintang formally terminated the Northern Expedition to unite China in 1928, the national treasury was in distress and the people lived in destitution. In order to reform the economic disorder situation, it is necessary to start on the job of the railroad engineering. However, the National budget was not sufficient to support the expenses. The government of the Republic of China thus decided to collect funds from Western Europe based on the amicable foreign policy. Though the policy aimed to attract foreign investment in the construction of Chinese railroad was under pressure from Japanese government, several main railroads were constructed with the help of European capital. This study is, therefore, to read and analyze the official archives of the government of the Republic of China, those of attracting European capital in the construction in Chinese railroad between 1928-1937. This thesis exerts the historical research methods, for instance documental analysis, compare, and induction as the major research approaches. The main sources of this thesis are based on the publications and relative documents of European Capital in Chinese Economic Development, the analysis in newspaper, as well as relative books, periodicals and publications of relevance. Besides, in order to get the factual information, this research also utilizes a series of historical books. This thesis is divided into five chapters: 1. Introduction; 2. Republic of China Foreign Policy and Railroad Construction Project; 3. Western European government Foreign and investment policy to China; 4. Relationship between “China Finance Development Corporation” and Railroad Construction; 5. Conclusion. Finally, the conclusion of this thesis will analyze and dissertate the following: 1.With the European capital investment in the construction of Chinese railroads, 3800 km railroads had constructed; 2. The aim of European Capitals invested in Chinese railroad was only based on the benefits, not political purpose. |
顯示於類別: | [國際事務與企業學系(亞太研究碩士班,公共政策研究碩士班,歐洲研究碩士班)] 博碩士論文-歐洲研究碩士班
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