1992年在里約舉行之地球高峰會,加劇了國際間對於生態環境的關注。本論文透過廢棄物交換、工業減廢、污染預防等組織內部資源化的環境管理策略,進一步的拓展至跨越廠房、企業、領域之範疇,以形成產業共生的生態化體系。本論文採用個案研究法,針對事業廢棄物交換資訊服務中心、正隆紙業、正隆工業減廢中衛輔導體系(資源循環回收鏈)、台南生物科技園區以及「綠色矽島」體系等五個遴選個案進行探索性之研究,並從事業廢棄物交換及資源化系統、工業減廢及污染預防系統、中衛體系、生態化工業園區體系和虛擬生態化工業園區體系等驅動產業生態化發展之機制,探討國內產業生態化體系之發展架構;再佐以SWOT分析、經濟與環境效益指標分析、資源化法規及技術之情境模擬分析,建構台灣成為「綠色矽島」。 本論文共分為六章,第壹章是緒論,箇中對以產業生態學的理論建構台灣成為「綠色矽島」之研究背景、研究目的及研究方法作一概略式交代。第貳章是文獻探討,分別對產業生態學之勃興、應用方法與工具、發展機制、法規及資源化技術進行分類與條例分析。論文的第參章旨在對驅動產業生態化發展機制的系統及體系進行詳細說明。第肆章是國內產業生態化體系發展架構之分析。筆者在此對事業廢棄物交換資訊服務中心、正隆紙業、正隆工業減廢中衛輔導體系、台南生物科技園區及「綠色矽島」體系等五個驅動產業生態化發展機制之個案∕情境進行SWOT分析,以深入了解此生態化體系之發展架構,並比較不同個案∕情境所獲得之推估環境與經濟效益。第伍章是法規與技術因素對生態化發展架構之情境模擬分析,箇中探析了資源化法規及技術發展對產業生態化發展之影響。本論文乃產業生態化體系之研究初啼,箇中筆者試圖建構台灣產業生態化體系之發展架構,擬透過此發展架構的個案∕情境模擬之分析結果,做為政府在推動產業生態化體系發展以落實台灣成為「綠色矽島」願景之建議。 The Rio Earth Summit has urged a close attention to sustainable development worldwide. And the concept of Industrial Ecology (IE) has evolved into a new paradigm for environmental management through the zero emission system, material substitution, dematerialization and functional economy. In this thesis, an IE development framework, that can be used for government to establish Taiwan as a “Green Silicon Island”, was proposed. A hierarchical system consisted of a waste exchange information center, a resource recovery and common treatment system, a waste minimization corporate synergy system, an eco-industrial park, and a virtual eco-industrial park concept were suggested as the mechanisms to achieve the above target. This thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter one is an overall introduction of the study, which briefly explains the research motive and methodology used in this thesis. Chapter two focuses on the literature of the past research on IE with emphasis on the advocate theory of IE, classification and methodologies of IE development in Taiwan. Chapter three to five use theoretical evidence to support the rationality for five different case studies, which is to characterize the development mechanisms of IE in Taiwan. Through the analysis of the IE patterns and development mechanisms, a scenario with five hierarchical stages was studied, and the economic and environmental benefits of each stage were explored. This scenario analysis has also led to the simulation in the context of regulatory and technological changes. Chapter six concludes the thesis with some suggestions.