本研究的目的主要是在探討因網路而興起的線上著作權交易模式在台灣的被利用現況及建議其未來在台灣的發展方向。 研究的重點在著作權交易的方式,研究對象是台灣地區的出版社,研究的著作權範圍是圖書著作權,且限於國際著作權交易行為的探討。 研究結果發現: 1、台灣出版社目前在從事國際著作權交易時最常被使用的管道是委託著作權代理公司進行交易,其次是參加書展、專程出國找書或拜訪出版社、利用書探、製作著作權銷售目錄等,利用線上著作權交易平台的出版社尚不多。 2、線上著作權交易平台所能提供的功能,多是符合目前國內出版社負責國際著作權交易人員的實際需求,但是卻因知名度不高及功能不彰,使用者不多,使用過的人也普遍感到不滿意。 對線上著作權交易平台在台灣發展的建議: 1.功能的提昇:充實已有功能,並增加新的功能。 2.經營方式的改善:提昇知名度、發展新的經營模式,並.了解出版社利用各種交易方式的法則作為擬定發展策略時的參考依據。 3.外在因素的考量:其他競爭者的壓力和台灣出版社對網路的利用情況,及業者和出版社對著作權交易的積極參與和分享心態,都是會影響線上著作權交易平台發展的因素,需加以考慮。 This main purpose of this study is to investigate how copyrights platform is implemented in Taiwan and try to suggest a feasible direction of future online copyright exchange platform development. This study focused on the volume copyright and subsidiary rights in international trade in international copyright trade. The subjects were publishers in Taiwan. The main findings of this study are: 1.The most commonly used method for international copyright trade is through agents, following by books fair、business travel、scout、sale catalogues . Online copyright platform is seldom used, now. 2.The functions provided by online copyright Platform are proper for the need of publishers, but only few publishers use it ad most of them are unsatisfied with it. The suggestions for the future: 1. functions development:It is necessary to improve functions to currently available and develops new functions to cater for the needs of the users. 2. marketing development:It is necessary to develop some marketing strategies to make the service reach more users. 3. market research: More research is needed to understand user’s needs which can then be taken into account when making policies for future development . 4. Take external factors into account: Several external factors also influence how online copyrights exchange platform can be employed. Factors, such as pressures from other online competitors, the prevalence of internet utilization among publishers, the will to actively participate and share their experiences among publishers, can have an impact on the development of online copyrights exchange platform. Therefore, it is necessary to take these external factors into account if the online copyrights exchange platform are to have a better future.