施食儀式,是佛教信仰中對於眾生在面對生命「終極關懷」時所產生的信仰態度與策略模式。本研究透過文獻分析、田野調查、文化反省等方式,試圖探討宗教與死亡的關係、宗教對死亡超越的方式、生死學與宗教的關係,以及蒙山施食的儀式文化功能。 在文獻的考察上,了解到施食的源起可溯源至古代信仰的亡魂觀念,以及儒家道家對祖先的孝道思想,進而融入佛教的地獄觀。 透過對於儀軌的探討分析,對於儀軌中的佛法內涵以及咒語、觀想、手印、禁忌等意義,能夠解讀其內在意涵;在田野場域的調查上,發現蒙山施食普傳在各道場的晚課之中以及說法蒙山與大蒙山如何密傳在研究道場之中,透過訪談,分析建構出施食壇城、神聖空間的時空概念等,特別是在觀察儀式實際操作的過程中,體驗出信眾如何透過儀式追求身心安頓的治療。 結論歸納,第一、宗教信念對民眾仍有相當的影響力。第二、民眾對宗教行為與世俗行為是有區分。第三、超度宗教信念是長期流傳的信仰行為。第四、儀式的操作提高宗教的精神療養功能。 此論題的研究對於處在科學掛帥的現代社會,提供民眾在面對生命的困境時有另一個思考空間,以及明晰的信仰管道,來作為精神與心靈的依靠和需求,進而建立完整成熟的宇宙觀、價值觀、人生觀實現『終極超克』的生命目標。 Mon San Shi Shi Buddhist ceremony presents the religious beliefs and attitudes towards the end of the life. In this research the relationship between religious and death, the ways of overcome the death, the cultural influence of Mon San Shi Shi ceremony are discussed. The results show that religious still influence people’s life, the differences between normal and religious behavior, and people believe special religious ceremony can help dead person reach the peace land and also help live people in spirit. In this modern society this research provides a way for people when they face difficulties in their life. People still need religious to be satisfied for their souls in 21 century so that they can discover the goals of the life.