線上拍賣是近年來美國興起的一種電子商務模式,由於線上拍賣的風行,引發本文研究之動機,本文之研究目的為探討消費者線上拍賣之經營模式,就其網站型態、拍賣方式、產品類別分析其市場概況,最後探討其主要問題,並歸納出線上拍賣的未來趨勢。本文選取兩個知名拍賣網站eBay與拍賣王作為研究對象,希望透過實際的個案研究,深入探討網站之經營策略與行銷模式。研究顯示,純中介拍賣網站佔大多數,而拍賣方式大多採用英式拍賣;拍賣網站具有先進者優勢,如eBay便具有大者恆大的市場佔有率;拍賣網站有走向利基拍賣的趨勢;網路詐欺是拍賣網站亟需克服的一大課題,可透過保管服務與評比回饋制度加以改善。 Online auction is one of the new E-commerce business models in America, because of the popularity of the online auction, I intend to explore the business model of the online auction, I plan to concentrate this research upon the mode of the online auction website, the category of the products, to analyze the market and find out the main problem and the future trend of the online auction. I chose two famous online auction websites, eBay and Bid, and attempt to explore the business and marketing strategy. Basing on the research, most of the online auction websites are intermediary mode; most website use English auction; online auction website has first mover advantage, for example: eBay; the auction website has the trend toward niche strategy and use differentiation to enter the market; auction fraud is the main problem, we can overcome this problem by escrow-service and feedback form.