2001年1月,美國更換了新的領導人,前德州州長喬治布希就任美國第43屆總統,從美國新總統就任以來,美國對華政策出現了重大的調整,如明確把中國作為今後美國的主要威脅和競爭對手;調整軍事戰略重點,加強對中國的遏制與防範;對台政策趨於明晰等。雖然經過「九一一事件」的衝擊,但中美關係的基本框架沒有根本變化,中美之間存在的基本戰略利益分歧以及影響中美關係的一些基本問題依然存在;畢竟中國和美國都是世界大國,在意識型態、價值觀和外交戰略目標等方面都存在著分歧,尤其美國要謀求世界霸權,而中國主張獨立自主的外交政策,因此中美之間的摩擦不可避免,中美關係不可能一帆風順;但同時,中美在維護世界和平,尤其是維護亞太地區的安全方面存在著非常多的共同利益,發展經貿合作符合兩國人民的利益,因此既競爭又合作仍將是未來中美關係的主旋律。 Since George Bush became the forty-three American President in 2001, the U.S policy toward China seems to appear vast adjustment. The Bush administration regard China as a key threat and a principal competition opponent. They change American military strategic points, strengthen the containment and defense to China, and make a clear U.S policy toward Taiwan. All of these are the fundatmental framework of China policy for the Bush Administration. Though the impact of 9-11 incident, the America's China policy doesn't have any change. The different fundamental strategic benefits and the potential conflict exist between China and U.S. Especially, U.S. wants to maintain the hegemony of the world, but China wants to have the independent diplomatic relationship . Therefore, the conflict between China and U.S is unavoidable, and U.S. absolutely can’t get along well with China. On the other hand, there are lots of common interests for the both. For instance, keeping the world and Asia peace needs the cooperation of the both countries, doing business with each other satisfies the natonal interests for both and mutural trand is increasing every year. Hence, competition and cooperation will still be the principal trend for the future relationship between U.S. and China.