我國已正式成為世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization ,WTO)會員國之一。在國際化、自由化的競爭下,對超過2400家旅行社而言,其衝擊有多大?如何採取可行之因應對策,建立競爭之優勢,成為旅行業者在經營管理上所需面對的之重要課題。本研究首先從WTO相關法規、政府政策、旅行業經營的現況,探討加入WTO後對旅行業的影響。最後進行策略規劃分析,研擬旅行業的因應之策,供旅行業者之參考。本研究共分六章,其內容如下: 第一章緒論,說明研究動機與目的,確定研究範圍,研擬研究方法與流程。第二章相關文獻之探討,探討產業政策之理論及競爭策略之概念。第三章WTO之現況分析,分別敘述GATT與WTO的發展過程,WTO 的組織、功能,及我國入會就有關服務業之承諾。第四章旅行業現況之分析,首先就旅行產業之發展做一敘述,運用SCP模式於旅行產業之分析架構,最後用五力分析作此章節之綜合性小結。第五章競爭策略之建立,綜合前述發現影響旅行產業結構的論點,利用問卷發放,了解台灣加入WTO後實際對旅行產業本身內部的優劣勢、外在機會與威脅之影響程度,透過客觀的熵職權重法分別求取綜合與甲種旅行業者各項準則間之相對權重,所得結果研擬競爭策略。第六章結論與建議,經由前述的資料整理及探討,提出本研究之結論與建議。 Taiwan has officially become a member of World Trade Organization (WTO). What impacts of Taiwan’s 2400 travel agencies will face in an internationalized and free trade environment? It has become a very import issue of travel business management to take good actions to get advantages over competition.This research first investigates the WTO policy, government policy, and the status of travel agencies to discover the impacts of joining WTO. Finally, the research focuses on strategy analysis to create the action plans for travel agencies.This research is divided into six chapters, it accommodates as follows: Chapter One - Describe the motive and goal of the research and define the scope of research to decide the research methods and process. Chapter Two - The review of related articles for understanding prime business policy and theories and the concept of competition strategy.Chapter Three - The analysis of WTO. It was divided into the developments of GATT and WTO, the organization and functionality of WTO, and the status of Taiwan at WTO.Chapter Four - The Analysis on the status of Taiwan’s Travel Agencies: First, the SCP method was used to analyze the structure and development of Travel Business. Then the 5 Strengths method was used to construct a conclusion of this chapter. Chapter Five — The establishment of competition strategy: For a better understanding of the external impacts and advantages on Travel Agencies after Taiwan’s joining WTO, an investigation form was created for Travel Agencies to fill. The subjective Entropy method was used to analyze the forms and calculate the relative criterion weights between General Travel Agencies and Type A Agencies to create the competition strategy. Chapter Six — Conclusions and suggestions: address conclusion and suggestions from the investigation and research.