李白的一生,大多數的時光都是在旅行中度過的,神州各地因此幾乎都留下了他的足跡。李白在人生的不同階段到揚州遊歷,對揚州必然會產生不同的情愫,不同的關懷,其背後深層的旅遊心理,是本研究主要探討的部分。 本研究透過傳記研究法與社會歷史研究法,兼採相關論文期刊的論點,以李白的生命歷程為主軸,將李白個人的經歷、思想、交遊以及盛唐社會的大環境為分析的焦點,輔以揚州系列詩作,來探索其旅遊心理,分析所得的結果如下﹕一、李白深入體驗大自然,追求精神的自由解放。二、功業未就的心情,深深影響李白的旅遊心理。三、李白在旅遊的過程中,常常縱酒攜妓,這不只是單純的旅遊活動,還深切地寄託一份等待朝廷重用的意願與施展抱負、追求自我實現的心情。 Most of Li Po's life was in traveling. He nearly played everywhere in Mainland China, and expressed his sentiment in different phase of human life toward Yang Chou. The study is aimed to explore Li Po's travel psychology in-depth on his life cycle basis. The study was conducted through Biographical Research Methods in the Social History and research issues of travel psychology to analyze Li Po's poetry of Yang Chou during Tang Dynasty. Study results showed that Li Po's experience in nature deeply seeking out his spiritual freedom of emancipation, the mood crowned with Li Po's career of political depression affecting his travel psychology, and lastly, in the process of experiencing travel, Li Po not only simply participated travel activities but also reposed a hope in aspiring to fulfill his life throughout the Royal Era.