由於資訊科技的進步,使得企業面臨全球化的競爭市場,然而電子商務是透過網路來完成,同時在網際網路提供企業服務、行銷、銷售及售後服務。近幾年來的電子商務正迅速地蓬勃發展,如何正確且快速有效的掌握全球運籌管理,將會是企業在全球化的競爭市場上生存的關鍵要素。 在國內醫療市場上由於健保開辦迄今一直面臨醫療資源浪費,如不當或重複的用藥、檢驗檢查,造成相當大的社會成本浪費。本研究的目的,主要在探討智慧型代理人於Web-Based醫療資源系統中的核心能力。整合醫療資源之智慧型代理人可提供相關救護中心最迅速正確的醫療相關資源的資訊服務,並可主動提供病患適當的醫療資訊以協助醫療人員掌握病人的狀況,增加診療的時效性與正確性。此外,本研究所提之整合式智慧型代理線上服務系統除利用多重代理人完成各個子系統或功能的目標任務外,更利用智慧型代理人之溝通、合作之特性完成各子系統被賦予之目標及系統間連結主動地提供緊急醫療相關單位就近的醫療機構的有效資訊支援。本研究不僅提供未來政府衛生機關及緊急災難救護中心理論性解析,亦提供一思考架構於目前政府將推動之健保IC卡與電子病歷的整合,提供未來建立全民健康資料庫的發展方向。 Due to the improvement of Information Technology (IT), all enterprises are facing the globalization of competitive marketplaces. Electronic Commerce (EC) is the utilization of network providing the enterprises services, marketing, sales and post-sale services. There is no doubt that EC is booming within recent years. How to accurately and effectively handle the Global Logistics Management (GLM) is the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) regarding the survival of an enterprise in this globalization of competitive marketplaces. Since the deployment of National Health Insurance, medical resources have been accidentally abused due to the redundancies of prescription or examination. Those kinds of activities are the waste of social welfares. The purpose of the research is to exploit the core competency of an Intelligent Agent (IA) being applied to the medical resource system on a web-based environment. Therefore, the integration of intelligent agent into the arena of medical resource management can provide the most valuable and accurate medical resources for emergency team in a proactive manner in saving people’s lives. In additions, not only does the research provide the multiple intelligent agent for the functionalities for each distinct subsystems, but also incorporate the communication and cooperation mechanism into the system in order to get the most efficient medical resource and information support. The research provides both spirits concerning the analysis of the operation of emergency team in the theoretical manner and the vision of the integration of IC card and Electronic Patient Record (EPR) for the construction of the database for national health records.