本論文研究之目的,在於利用無線區域網路的優點,配合有線的網路資訊系統,來提升校園內上網的便利性,並以無線區域網路漫遊的特性,來達成校園內處處能上網的目標。本文的主要參考資料取材自與電腦網路相關的學術理論及刊物,尤其偏重於乙太網路及IEEE802.11系列理論與實作的闡述,並以Lucent Technologies的WaveLAN產品為操作之工具,參考學校內部的環境結構、使用目的及硬體特性,從實務的觀點來設計系統的建構方式,以期能與現有的校園網路相結合,擴大網路資源的使用。本文所設計之校園無線區域網路已在數所學校內操作驗證,並確認其結果能有效地突破有線網路的空間限制,以無線網路的使用,擴大整個網路的使用面。 Wired computer LAN plays a major role for campus use, However for the web resource access , it is time to expand its usage into every corners in campus by introducing the wireless LAN, In order to avoid destroying the outlook of school environment, wireless LAN can be considered to resolve the problem, So it is worth to recommend the use of wireless LAN in campus. Products of Lucent Technologies are been used as basic tools, Ethernet and IEEE802.11 protocol are major fundamental basis. System can be established according to the campus environment, goals of use, and wired network system already exists. The model of this system has been installed in several schools and been proved to be effective. Therefore the development of campus network is considered when wireless LAN is an important cost-effective tools.