在最近幾年中,企業面臨全球化的壓力,為保持競爭優勢,相當多的企業均進行企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning;ERP)的導入。企業資源規劃將公司內所有的部門及企業流程,整合到一個單一的電腦系統,而且這個系統,能夠滿足各部門不同的需求及使用單一的資料庫。導入企業資源規劃必須同時進行企業流程再造(Business Process Reengineering;BPR),才能使企業資源規劃系統達到最大的利益及效能。企業投入巨大的金額及數年的時間導入企業資源規劃,如果導入失敗,將造成企業嚴重的損失,甚致於破產,如FoxMeyer Drugs。導入企業資源規劃是一個非常重要的課題,需要策略的思考、精密的計劃及部門間的協調。一個企業或計劃經理,在導入企業資源規劃之前,事先了解導入的關鍵成功因素(Critical Success Factors;CSFs)及失敗的原因是非常重要的。經由事前的預防,可以避免在導入的過程中產生問題,延誤進度,甚致於影響導入的成敗,因而造成無法彌補的損失。本研究由文獻回顧及導入案例的實證,探討大型組織導入企業資源規劃的關鍵成功因素及導致失敗的原因,提供企業未來導入企業資源規劃之參考。 In recent years, all enterprises are facing the pressure of globalization. In order to achieve competitive advantage, many organizations are trying to introduce ERP. ERP can integrate all the business processes of all departments into one consistent computer system, which is capable of meeting all the functionalities for all departments. Before the introduction of ERP, the enterprise has to process the BPR and the organization will obtain the most effectiveness and efficiency. The introduction of ERP requires huge amount of capital. Consequently, if the failure occurs, there is a high possibility that it will lead the organization to go bankruptcy such as FoxMeyer Drug Inc. Therefore, the introduction of ERP needs the thinking of strategy and the delicate cooperation among departments. For a successful company or project manager, it is extremely important to understand the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) before the action of introducing ERP. Due to the prevention of the above issues, it can avoid the unexpected issues or the delay of the project or even the success of the project. The research is widely explored the cases among many large organizations regarding the CSFs during the implementation of the ERP system. The research concludes the CSFs for other organizations to ponder before they take the action of deploying the ERP system.