網際網路的快速興起,使得植基於網際網路之病歷資料交換系統更顯急迫需要。本論文以延伸標記語言(XML)做為資訊交換之實作基礎,來建構一院際間電子病歷的交換模式。為了簡化資料操作之複雜性,我們採用簡單物件存取協定(SOAP)嵌入欲交換之延伸標記語言(XML)資料,以利病歷資料的傳遞,另外我們也建置了一醫學影像合成系統,幫助醫師能快速的檢閱病歷影像,同時讓醫師能更快得到病患病情等。我們相信本論文所提延伸標記語言為基礎之醫學資訊系統,能有效的提供電子病歷交換機制,而有效的降低院際間傳遞成本。 With the spread of the Internet, the need for designing mechanisms for exchanging patient medical record is increasing. This thesis presents a XML based data exchange model for health caring systems. The proposed XML specification is encapsulated in the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) for transmitting patient’s medical records. In addition, we establish a medical image blending system, which provides fast browsing facilities for doctors to examine patient’s medical images simultaneously. The proposed facility will increase the efficiency of knowing patients health conditions. We believe that the proposed XML-based medical information system can provide an efficient mechanism for exchanging electronic patient medical records and reduce the transition cost of patient’s medical records between different hospitals.