本研究探討怎樣的網路合作學習才有效,經由課程教學活動的設計、發展網路合作學習支援系統實驗雛形,進行電子商務管理課程的輔助教學、探討學習者不同個人特質、學習風格與電腦自我效能的差異性,是否會對網路合作學習成效與學習滿意度有所影響,以及根據群組差異,對群組合作學習紀錄進行分析、提出研究的發現與建議。此外了解學習者對網路合作學習支援系統使用上的建議,作為後續研究參考。 研究結果發現:1.學習風格對個人合作學習行為沒有影響;2.電腦自我效能對群組合作歷程與系統使用程度有影響;3.個人合作學習行為的使用次數、登入次數與使用時間與學習成效有相關;4.個人合作學習行為對學習滿意度沒有相關;5.群組大小在群組合作學習表現有差異;6.系統使用依序為資訊交換、互動討論、自我知識建構功能對學習最有幫助。 The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of network collaborative learning. Through instruction design and develop a prototype of network collaborative learning support system, explored the students’ personal characteristic, learning style and computer self-efficacy difference could be an influence for network learning collaboration performance and students’ learning satisfaction? According to group difference, we recorded and analyzed group’s collaborative learning portfolio, and proposed our findings and proposition. And also presenting our proposal of network collaboration-learning support system for students. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.There is no significant difference of personal collaborative learning behavior in different learning style. 2.Computer self-efficacy has influence directly on group collaborative portfolio and degree of system usage. 3.The numbers of use, numbers of login and total use time on network collaborative learning support system shows significant correlate to learning performance. 4.There is no significant difference of learning satisfaction and personal collaborative learning behavior. 5.There is significant difference of different group and learning performance.