近年來由於高科技武器不斷推出,國際戰略轉變,政府為加強關懷社會弱勢族群,強化社區治安與互助,落實國土及環境之維護,提高民眾生活品質,國軍順應時勢結合兵源狀況實施替代役。 我國於八十九年七月起師法歐洲社會役經驗實施替代役,這是我國兵役制度的一大變革,替代役實施的時機係在國防軍事無妨礙時,以不影響兵員補充、不降低兵員素質、不違背兵役公平前提下,得實施替代役,替代役的立法有一重點,即是並不透過修憲方式為之,而僅修訂兵役法以建立替代役法源,並訂定替代役實施條例加以規劃。 雖然替代役自實施迄今已一年八個多月,但不可諱言,替代役制度在我國是屬於一個陌生的制度,政府實施替代役之初,由於時間很緊迫,許多法令政策制度及相關配套措施都有值得檢討改進的必要。因此本研究的目的在於探討:替代役男對於現行替代役政策法規及役男服勤滿足的研究,藉由替代役男實際上在服役期間的親身體驗及感受,經由本研究而能探討出實際的問題癥結所在之處,而能提出具體建議,供政府將來替代役制度檢討修法之參考。 Due to the new development of high tech weapon and conversion of the international strategy in recent years, the substitute military service becomes a trend in Taiwan. In order to strengthen the concern to the disadvantaged minority in the society, intensify the public security in the community and implement the maintenance of land and environment and improve the living quality of all citizen the Ministry of Defense has integrated the military status and put the substitute military service into practice. Based on the experience of civil service in Europe, The substitute military service has been implemented in Taiwan since July 2000, which is a tremendous change in the system of military service. The implementation of substitute military service can only be executed when there’s no obstruction in national defense that no supply of civil servant will be affected, no quality of civil servant will be reduced and no fairness of military service will be disobeyed. The legislation regarding the substitute military service will not be implemented by amending the constitution. But the law of military service will be amended when it has to meet the request of substitute military service. And fruthermore relevant rules and regulations of substitute military service will be established accordingly. The implementation of substitute military service has been executed for one year and eight months. Nevertheless, the system of substitute military service is still a new system in Taiwan. In the beginning of the implementation, due to tight schedule, many laws, policy and relevant complete set of measures need to be reviewed and improved. The purpose of the study is to figure out the satisfaction of civil servant and the present policy and laws/regulations of substitute military service in Taiwan. The research would like to learn the experience and feeling of civil servant during the period of military service. This report is trying to recognize the accurate problem and provide a concrete proposal, so that it can be a reference for the government to review the system of substitute military service.