台灣加入世界貿易組織(WTO)之後,電信市場更加開放,在網際網路盛行的潮流中,速度和便利將是消費者使用行為的關鍵因素。寬頻網路趨勢正在改變世界,也在改變台灣電信生態,「E世紀電信服務時代」儼然已經來臨,ADSL寬頻網路已成為網際網路業務的主流。 本研究目的,針對中華電信ADSL用戶,以生活型態變數作市場區隔,探討各區隔市場的消費者,在人口統計、購買動機、資訊來源、產品屬性評估與消費實態等變數上,是否有顯著差異,並且作為各個區隔市場的特徵描述,提出行銷策略與建議,供中華電信相關單位參考。在資料分析中以卡方檢定及變異數統計分析發現,各市場區隔之消費者,在人口統計、資訊來源、購買動機、產品屬性評估與消費實態變數均有明顯差異。 彙整研究的分析結果,針對四個不同類型的市場區隔特徵,提出行銷組合之產品品質策略、價格策略、通路策略及促銷策略等建議,供中華電信研擬ADSL業務行銷策略之參考。 After Taiwan’s entry into WTO, the telephone market has become more open.In the trend toward Internet ,speed and convenience are the consumer’s key desires. The Broadband Network trend to ADSL that is changing the word will also change the Taiwan telephone ecosystem (E century telephone service day) and is coming. ADSL Broadband Network has become Internet main trend. This research is concerned with Chunghwa Telecom ADSL customers, their various life styles for different market segmentations. It discusses the consumer in every market segment, using population statistics, reason for purchasing and original information about Chunghwa Telecom product evaluation and consumer actuality. Is there a big difference? For every market segmentation characteristic described, market strategies and suggestions are offered.Correlated Chunghwa Telecom data from (Chi-square and ANOVA) dealing with market segmentation, population statistics, original information and reason for purchase shows that there is a big difference. The results are totally discussed for four different market segmentation characteristics: product quality policy, price policy,place policy and promotion policy. Suggestions are offered for Chunghwa Telecom to increase sales of ADSL.