違章工廠之管理,關係國人居住、工作及休憩、環境品質,更直接影響國家經濟秩序,進而左右國家經濟成長,因此建立完善之違章工廠管理制度,為當今舉國高喊著「拼經濟」之同時,所不容遲疑的施政目標。 舉凡依「工廠管理輔導法」規定應辦理工廠登記及設立許可或變更設立許可之作為義務,而未辦理者;皆屬違章工廠查處之範疇。從執法多年累積與違章工廠有關民眾之見解、違章工廠從業務之意見、和執行違章工廠查處之政府相關單位人員之心得等,各方面意見及觀念,探究出現階違章工廠之問題。 違章工廠之形成,不只是國人不守法之習性所造成之產物,亦是政府所建構的制度,環境和人民實際需求出現落差。在有利可圖,有錢可賺之利誘下,漠視法令尊嚴,致從事違法之經濟活動。為保障違章工廠利益,並兼顧法令之容忍性,本研究提出使全違章工廠管理制度之芻議有1、依法嚴格執行。2、完成法令修訂。3、簡化申請手續。4、加強優惠措施。5、輔導就地合法。以達「輔導為原則,取締為手段」之查處違章工廠的目的。期使違章工廠能消弭於無形讓企業投資環境潔淨,經濟秩序公平,促使企業能根留台灣,繼續為促進台灣經濟繁榮而努力,以維繫國家經濟之永續發展。 The management of undocumented factory is relating to our living, working and the quality of environment. It's further directly affect economical and development. So, building a healthy and sound system to manage undocumented factory is very important at this economic-oriented era. The definition of undocumented factory is according to 「law of factory management and counseling」 by combing the opions of citizen , maker and lawman , we can make a conclusion to find its clue. The formation of undocumented factory is not only ill-behaved but also the unreasonable rule. In order to gain more profit , people take risk of engaging in illegal economic activities. To keep both undocumented factories' benefit and law , this research propose five steps to wealth system: ( 1 ) enforce the law strictly , (2) emend law,(3) simplifed the application process, (4) implement the beneficial policy, (5) assist to legalize the principle. That ""assist first and then punishment "" can decline the rate of undocumented factory clean the investment environment, fair the economic order and make our enterprises root in Taiwan. It is very important to promote the Taiwan's economic prosperity, and maintain national economy's perpetual development."