題名: | 歐盟共同防衛政策與快速反應部隊之研究 |
其他題名: | The Analysis of the EU Common Defense Policy and European Rapid Reaction Force |
作者: | 范仁威 Fan, Jen-Wen |
貢獻者: | 歐洲研究所 蘇宏達 Su, Hon-Da |
關鍵詞: | 共同防衛政策;快速反應部隊 Common Defense Policy;European Rapid Reaction Force |
日期: | 2002 |
上傳時間: | 2015-05-27 14:54:35 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 冷戰期間西歐在面對前蘇聯集團的軍事威脅環境中,而自願生存在美國的核子保護傘之下,同時美國也願意扮演歐洲防衛與安全之領導者角色。隨著蘇聯對西歐威脅之消失,美國國會議員開始不斷質疑,美國是否有必要繼續部署兵力和裝備,以解決歐洲的問題。隨後美國開始呼籲西歐國家必須要對本身防衛與安全承擔起更多的責任。 一九九九年五月歐洲領導人從巴爾幹半島和科索沃戰爭中所獲得的經驗,決定他們必須建立一支可以快速部署的獨立軍事能力,六月於科隆高峰會中並提出建立「共同安全與防衛政策」主張。緊接著,於一九九九年十二月賀爾辛基高峰會中,就各會員國危機處理的軍事行動能力,設定了綱要目標─於二○○三年前,建立一支六十天內可部署完成,至少維持一年持續戰力,兵力達六萬名部隊,以執行彼得堡任務。除此之外,歐盟並新設立常設政治暨安全委員會、軍事委員會及軍事參謀組,以確保能對危機處理軍事行動中,進行必要的政治與戰略指導。 本文共區分八章說明歐盟成立快速反應部隊之發展歷程並分別探討與其相關議題。 第一章緒論部份首先闡述本文之研究動機與目的,界定研究範圍,分析研究架構及說明研究方法與限制因素等。 第二章探討快速反應部隊之定義、緣起、發展、任務與編組原則等基本內涵,並實例說明美國快速反應部隊編組與運用。 第三章則從歷史角度回顧歐盟建立共同防衛政策之發展歷程。 第四章則敘述歐盟建立快速反應部隊的發展歷程。 第五章則在分析促使歐盟成立快速反應部隊之主要原因。 第六章係說明組成快速反應部隊之綱要目標、決策機制、兵力結構與來源等核心內涵。 第七章則探討歐盟成立快速反應部隊未來發展之挑戰與前瞻。 第八章結論部份則說明從事本研究所獲得的總結與發現。 During the Cold War, Western Europe had been willing to live under the umbrella of the United States against the threat of the Former Soviet Union.As a result, the US would take the leading role in European defence and security. With the end of the Soviet threat to Western Europe, American politicians began to ask whether the US would always have to deploy troops and equipment to sort out Europe’s problems. Consequently, the United States was looking to take more responsibility for its own defence and security.In May 1999, European leaders concluded from the Balkans and Kosovo experiences that they needed an automonous military capability they could deployed rapidly.Subsequently, At the European Council’s Cologne Summit in June 1999, the EU launched “the Common European Security and Defence Policy”. Later, The Helsinki meeting of the Council of the European Union held in December 1999 established a ”Headline Goal” for EU member States in term of their military capabilities for crisis management operations. The aim is to enable the EU , by the year 2003, to deploy within 60 days and sustain for at least one year, military forces of up to 60,000 troops to undertake the full range of the so-called Petersberg tasks. In addition, the EU decided to create a permanent Political and Security Committee, a Military Committee and a Military Staff, to insure the necessary political guidance and strategic direction to such operations. The present thesis is composed of eight chapters to explain the Analysis of the Creation of the European Rapid Reaction Force(ERRF). The 1st chapter introduces and explains the thesis’ motive, range & structure, approach and limited factors. The 2st chapter discusses the definition, development, mission, principles of the ERRF and explains the Organization and Development of the US RRF. The 3st chapter Reviews the development of the European Common Defence Policy. The 4st chapter traces the development of the ERRF. The 5st chapter analyses the major factors for the creation of the ERRF. The 6st chapter explains the Headline Goal, Decision-Making Mechanism, force structure and resource of the ERRF. The 7st chapter predicts the future challenges and prospecs for the ERRF. The 8st chapter summarizes my research discovery. |
顯示於類別: | [國際事務與企業學系(亞太研究碩士班,公共政策研究碩士班,歐洲研究碩士班)] 博碩士論文-歐洲研究碩士班
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