本文的主旨在於說明市民權的概念及穆斯林的市民權利在法國發展的情況。首先介紹市民權發展的歷史與概念,次為敘述穆斯林在法國的背景及歸化與融合問題。探討穆斯林在法國境內為法國建設付出心力,而所遭遇的市民權是否平等的問題,與法國政府所持的態度及相關法令的制定。爾後以宏觀的視野來檢視法國境內的穆斯林之市民權是否受歐洲聯盟市民權的發展,法國政黨的意識形態及國際伊斯蘭勢力的介入而有所變化或影響。 The substance of this eassy is to illustrate the concept of “Citizenship” and introduced how the citizenship of French Muslims has been grew. Firstly, the article indicated the citizenship rights in Europe at the different ages, from ancient to nowadays. Secondly, I exposed when the Muslims moved to France. Some of the new minority communities obtained the French nationality while some did not. The nationalism was only the political acceptance. They still have trouble to live with the French society. Being a minority community, do the French Mulism really have a fair citizenship right? I have gradually explored how the French Government to issue their policies. In the Macroscope of view, the thesis has also discussed on the influence of the Internatioanl Islamic Force, The European Union and the French Political Parties, related to the French Mulism’s citizenship.