台灣自民國35年實施地方自治以來,從地方到中央,由小選區而大選區,歷經威權到民主之路,人民的政治參與趨於積極而活躍,而地方派系的動員基礎,即在於利益的追求及其目標的實現,更為了鞏固自己參與利益分配的發言權,藉選舉自成為其派系成員重要的手段與門徑。 立法委員是我國最重要的民意代表,本論文著重台中市的研究,試著從歷屆立委選舉的脈絡,一窺地方政治生態與選舉關係作一探討,而獲致諸多結論。政治之良窳,繫於人民意識之覺醒,及公民社會之建立,藉著本文諸多隱含思維,期許大家共同來奮鬥,畢竟有怎樣的選民就有怎樣的民意代表,並佐以制度面的諸多國會改革,來致力一個有效能、有效率的最高民意機構,並監督制衡行政部門,使我國民主政治擺脫地方狹隘的藩籬。 Since 1946, Taiwan has implemented local self-government policy. The development of electoral districts multiplied from local (small scale) to national wide (larger scale) ballot. The road of democracy greatly suffered unremitting obstacles from the established authority. Political transformation in Taiwan came from progressive participations of people. The power to mobilize people to cast their votes was truly based upon the initiation of local factions, whereas their original goal was firstly to search for their common interests in the variety of levels. To maintain the factions’ clutched interests and right to speak for further benefits, their ordinary means to join in every election and to solidify the members became a significant access. Legislators’ election has been the most traditional example to interpret the complicated relations between local political ecology and election campaign. Taking Taichung city as the case study, we conclude that the performance of political behavior relies upon the awakeness of so-called “conscious of people” and the construction of “civil society”. From the practice of previous elections, the result has implied that the quality of common people representatives absolutely reflects the thinking of the voters. We should expect an excellence of parliament reform to promote Legislators Yuan as an efficient machine to check and balance the administrative departments of government. As well, the ultimate reform is to get rid of parochial concept among people and to achieve a real democratic society.