台灣的環境運動自八零年代開始興盛以來,不論是在都市或鄉村,環境抗爭事件皆不斷發生,而大林的反焚化爐抗爭不過是眾多抗爭事件之一。然而,其與眾不同之處在於沒落地區中的弱勢居民,面對政府及廠商帶有鄙視意味的政策制定,為避免生活環境遭到污染、抗議政府及廠商的不當程序,不惜與公權力與資本家進行對抗所展現出的堅持與決心。換句話說,邊陲地區、邊陲政策、邊陲居民正是大林反焚化爐抗爭運動的特色所在,同時,在地老弱婦孺自發性的抗爭與努力,更顯現了此次抗爭的意義。 由於台灣環評制度的結構性缺失,以及政府、廠商的官僚與技術本位心態,事實上,導致各地反焚化爐抗爭發生的原因幾乎都大同小異。然而,這些抗爭事件所表達出的是,不同地區的居民為了避免居家環境遭到污染、抗議政府與廠商不尊重在地居民權益的行徑,當地民眾自發性的凝聚,以及在抗爭過程中所共同表現出的意識與決心,也就是在地鄰避效應的發生。 在外界賦予的污名化標籤下,「鄰避」往往被視為當地居民只顧自身,而不考量整體社會需求的自利行為。然而,儘管鄰避運動對環保的範圍僅限於鄰近的生活週遭,但是,透過個別抗爭事件所共同表達出來的集體意識,鄰避運動的發生彰顯的是,一般大眾對於環境保護的重視,以及對該理念的堅持與實踐。因此,居民自我凝聚而發起的鄰避運動為環境抗爭事件提供了一個正面的論述─為了反對污染源的進駐,基於共識而共同發起的抵制行動。 而在大林的反焚化爐抗爭中,居民的行動雖然造成雙方的對立、衝突,但是,其所代表的確是在地民眾對當前制度與政策的不正義所發起的反動,而居民的抗爭意識與行動不僅反映了其對環境保護的重視、對環境權平等的要求,同時,由於居民的抗爭行動終促成政府既定政策的轉變,因此,居民的抗爭行動更可視為環境正義的實踐。 The environmental disputes of Taiwan are flourishing since the eighty. Whatever in city or country, the events of environmental struggle are mushrooming. The struggle of Dalin incinerator is just one of the campaigns. However, the only difference is the weakness resident of the downgrading district show their insistence and determination to resist the power of the government and the capitalist to avoid the environment being polluted and protest the illegitimate process of the government and firm when they face the despising policy of the government and firm. In the other word, the periphery district 、 the periphery policy and the periphery resident are the features of the struggle of Dalin incinerator. Meanwhile, the locally spontaneous struggle and exertion of the old and weak is outstanding the meaning of this struggle. Due to the structural fault of the environment evaluation system of Taiwan and the bureaucracy and technique mind of the government and firm, the disputes about the anti-incinerator are almost the same around the island. However, these struggles show that the different resident to avoid the environment being polluted and to protest the unrespectful behaviors of the government and firm for the local residents' rights. The local NIMBY effect occur is due to the spontaneous coherence of the local resident and the showed conscious and determination during the struggle. Under the smeary tag gived by the others, the NIMBY always be regarded as the local resident' s selfishness who do not think about the need of the society. However, the NIMBY movement to the environmental field is limited to the neighborhood. But the collective conscious that be showed by the different struggle is expressed the value about the environmental protection of everyone and the insistence and practice about the ideas. Therefore, the NIMBY movement that start by the self-coherence resident provide a positive point---for oppose the pollution and start the resisting action that base on the common consensus. Although the resident's action cause the opposite and conflict between the both sides during struggle of the anti-incinerator in Dalin, the means are the reactionary caused by the current system and injustice policy. The struggle conscious and movement not only reflect their concerning about the environmental protection and the request about the equal of the environmental right but also due to the struggle of the resident finally to help materialize the change of the fixed policy of the government. Therefore, the resident's struggle could be regarded as the realization of Environmental Justice.