中國神話作為一種原生性神話而被記載下來,保有著片段式與零零星星的面貌。基於此,本文即從中國神話的綴段性型態出發,試圖排除掉神話研究者加諸在羿和嫦娥神話上多餘的想像,以及靠因果推論所編織出來的情節發展,嘗試以羿和嫦娥神話的基本結構為文本,探討其結構模式。另一方面,秉持著神話與儀式的密切關係,本文也將論及祭日與祭月儀式,嘗試尋覓祭日、月儀式與羿和嫦娥神話的相互呼應之處。 從羿和嫦娥神話的文本來看,它處處都突顯出二元的結構模式,並隱含了中國人的陰陽觀念。神話中這種二元的結構型態,正呈獻出原初人們剛處於分化階段的思維模式。在神話時間狀態之下,除了歷史時間被抹消掉之外,它還有圓形循環的特性,突顯出它無始無終的厚度,所以,羿和嫦娥這兩個神話人物所歷經的時間,並沒有把他們導向一個終局,反之,終局只是回到了開始的那一個起點。這樣一種「永恆」的時間狀態,也切合著羿和嫦娥企圖擺脫死亡,以及追求不死的生命狀態。 從神話文本的分析,本文也橫跨到儀式的領域,也就是從上古時代的日神崇拜與月神崇拜開始論述,再進入到祭日與祭月儀式,進而把這些儀式的呈現與羿和嫦娥神話做一結構性的分析,窺探神話與儀式間相互匯通的脈絡。在神話與儀式之間,「象徵」的功能是不可忽視的,它作為神話與儀式的黏補劑,避免這兩者的關係僵死得難以動彈。此外,在儀式的神聖時空之下,一切神話中的理想狀態,彷彿也可以再複製和再現,呈現出神話與儀式之間相互依存和仰賴的關係。 China myth present as episodic form, this is cause it keep as an origin form of mythology. Thus, this dissertation would base on the point, and try to filtering the connotative meaning put on by previous academicians and also the cause-effect logic that fabricates the plots, to find out the basic structure of Yi(羿) and Chang'e(嫦娥)myth. Using Yi and Chang'e myth as text, this dissertation will also relate the associations of the myth with the worshipping of sun and moon. From the text of Yi and Chang'e myth, the basis of binary structure also implies the ideology of Yin(陰) and Yang(陽). The binary structure in mythology projects the early stage of human thoughts. In the timeless mood of myth, not only the sense of history is erased, the recycle characteristic of story construction also has a tendency of transcending death and aiming for eternity. And this is relevance with the attempt of Yi and Chang'e for escape from death. Despite textual analysis of myth, this dissertation will cross into the field of ritual. From the discourse of god and goddess of sun and moon, this dissertation will search for the similarities between the related worshipping of sun and moon with the myth of Yi and Chang'e, by implementing structural analysis. Between myth and ritual, the function of symbols is crucial, where it will correlate the two with flexibility. Moreover, through the field of ritual, the ideal form of myth is reproduced and represented. The relationship of myth and ritual is strengthened by relying on each other.