本研究係探討圖書出版業總編輯其人格特質與決策風格之間的關係,希冀達到以下之研究目的:一、瞭解台灣地區圖書出版業的總編輯人格特質與決策風格之內涵與現況。二、探討總編輯的人格特質與決策風格之相關性。三、分析總編輯的個人背景變項與人格特質變項表現在決策風格的差異。四、根據文獻探討及實證結果,歸納結論並提出具體建議,作為圖書出版業之參考。 研究以台北市出版商業同業公會2002年度會員名錄為研究母體,刪除雜誌業者、圖書經銷業者等非圖書出版單位後,再經過國家標準書號中心的圖書出版統計資料查詢,篩選出2002年度出版量在二本以上的出版業者,以過濾出長期並穩定經營的出版業者,共計有251家出版業者為研究樣本;以郵寄問卷的方式針對251家圖書出版業之總編輯進行研究,共得有效問卷113份,有效回收率為45.01%。 本研究結果如下:1. 男性受試者的成就動機與求勝取向皆高於女性受試者。2. 男性受試者的內控取向高於女性受試者。3. 年齡在41-45歲的受試者在求勝取向上比31-35歲的受試者要高。4. 年齡在56歲以上的受試者之內控取向高於年齡在36-40歲的受試者。5. 最高學歷就讀理工科系的受試者在求勝取向上高於就讀商管科系的受試者。6. 最高學歷就讀文史哲科系的受試者在風險態度上比就讀商管科系的受試者要高。7. 出版年資在4年以下的受試者之成就動機低於年資在16-20年的受試者。8. 出版年資在26年以上的受試者之工作取向高於年資在11-15年的受試者。9. 經歷過6種以上職務的受試者在挑戰取向上低於經歷過3-5種職務的受試者。10. 教育程度在專科以下者,其行為型決策風格分數明顯高於教育程度在研究所以上的受試者。11. 成就動機與主導型決策風格達到顯著水準,且為正相關,意即成就動機愈高,愈偏向採用主導型決策風格。12. 自我取向與主導型決策風格達到顯著水準,且為正相關,意即自我取向愈高,愈偏向採用主導型決策風格。13. 內外控取向與概念型決策風格呈現負相關,也就是說,內控程度愈高者愈偏向採用概念型決策風格。14. 總編輯之主要決策風格以「分析型」所佔比例最高,其次為「概念型」,再其次為「行為型」,而「主導型」比例最少。15. 從決策風格平均數分配中,本研究發現我國圖書出版業總編輯屬於典型的領導者,而左腦功能較右腦強,亦即分析和邏輯能力較佳,但是整體觀念與創新力較差。根據本研究之結論,對圖書出版業提出以下建議:1. 出版組織於甄選總編輯,應考慮組織文化所需之決策風格,慎選合適人員擔任。2. 人格特質與決策風格之分析可以幫助總編輯更瞭解自己的特性,進而使其特性與管理行為相結合,或可藉由再進修或有自覺地改變以朝向較合適的決策風格以提高管理績效。3. 本研究發現與決策風格相關的重要因素,能幫助圖書出版業有計畫地培養訓練人才。4. 在文化色彩濃厚、圖書講究創意的出版業,總編輯於決策時應考量創新因素,以補我國圖書出版業總編輯創新力較差之特性。 The purpose of this research is to investigate the correlation between personality and decision style of editor-in-chief in the book publishing industry. The population is based on 2002 Taipei publishing industry association members directory. Questionnaires were mailed to 251 editors-in-chief of each publishing firms. A total of 113 respondents returned questionnaires. The results of this study were as follows:1. Achievement motivation of the male editor-in-chief was higher than the female editor-in-chief’s.2. Internal locus of control of the male editor-in-chief was higher than the female editor-in-chief’s.3. Competitiveness of the editor-in-chief aged 41 to 45 was higher than that aged 31 to 35.4. Internal locus of control of the editor-in-chief with the age over 56 was higher than that aged 36 to 40.5. Competitiveness of the editor-in-chief who majored in Science or Engineering was higher than whose majored in Business or Management.6. Risk taking propensity of the editor-in-chief who majored in Literature or Philosophy was higher than whose majored in Business or Management.7. Achievement motivation of the editor-in-chief with 4 years experience or less in publishing industry was lower than those with 16 to 20 years.8. Work orientation of the editor-in-chief with 26 years experience or more in publishing industry was higher than those with 11 to 15 years.9. Mastery of the editor-in-chief with 6 or more kinds of works experience was lower than those with 3 to 5 kinds of works.10. The editor-in-chief with a master degree background tent to be more behavioral-oriented than those with a vocational school background or lower education background.11. The editor-in-chief with high achievement motivation tended to use directive style.12. The editor-in-chief with confidence tended to use directive decision style.13. The editor-in-chief with internal control had a tendency to use conceptual decision style.14. The first of the editor-in-chief’s major decision style was analytic; the second was conceptual; the third was behavioral; the last was directive.15. Analytic and logical ability of the editor-in-chief was better than originality.According to the results, there are three recommendations for the book publishing industry:1. The demand of decision style of the organization culture should be taken into account when selecting editor-in-chief.2. The analysis of personality and decision style can help editor-in-chief understand their characteristics, and then integrate their characteristics with management. They can also build up suitable decision style by studying or changing consciously in order to increase the effectiveness of management.3. The important factors found in this study can help the book publishing industry to train people step by step.4. Since originality plays an important role in the book publishing industry, the editor-in-chief should consider it when making a decision so as to make up the lack of originality.