電腦雜誌在最近十年以來,由於國內的資訊業蓬勃發展,進而也帶動學習電腦知識的風潮,因此電腦類出版商紛紛出版各類型的電腦雜誌,使得市面上電腦雜誌非常的豐富、多元,另一方面,也代表著電腦雜誌市場的競爭激烈,如果能夠瞭解電腦雜誌消費者行為,將能夠更準確的訂定市場策略。 本研究根據研究的目的與性質,運用問卷調查的方法,以人口統計變項、消費行為變項、購買決策變項、生活型態變項四個主要的部分設計問卷題目,以網路族群為研究對象,透過e-mail以及HTML的網頁形式發放問卷,經過問卷資料的整理,刪除不完整問卷,總共收回有效問卷463份並建立資料檔案,再運用SPSS統計軟體8.0分析問卷所得到的資料,研究結果如下四點: 一、不同人口統計變項的電腦應用雜誌消費者在消費行為上有顯著差異。二、不同人口統計變項的電腦應用雜誌消費者在購買決策上有顯著差異。三、不同生活型態的電腦應用雜誌消費者在消費行為上有顯著差異。四、不同生活型態的電腦應用雜誌消費者在購買決策因素上有顯著相關。 In the decade, because of the rising and flourishing development of information industry in Taiwan, the computer magazines have promoted the current of computer knowledge. Thus, the publishers launch various kinds of computer magazines. It makes the computer magazines varied. On the other hand, it also reflects the competition of computer magazine market. If we can understand the behavior of computer magazine consumers, we could make the exactly market strategy. According to the four main parts: the variation on population statistics, thevariation on consumer behavior, the variation on purchasing decisions, andthe variation on life style, I designed the questions of the questionnaires. Took the internet users as objects of study from e-mail and HTML, I sent these questionnaires. After arranging them, I took back 463 copies of effective questionnaires and built the material files. Then, I took use of the SPSS Software v8.0 to analyze these materials. The results are following: 1. Also apparent differential indwell in consumer behavior between the consumers of different population statistics. 2. Also apparent differential indwell in purchasing decisions between theconsumers of different population statistics. 3. Also apparent differential indwell in consumer behavior between theconsumers of different life style. 4. Also apparent correlation indwell in purchasing decisions between theconsumers of different life style.