由於台灣獨特的地理位置與歷史發展,表現出台灣所具有的安全價值與地位;也因為如此,即使整個國際體系已進入一全球化的時代,台灣的安全始終沒有保障。造成台灣安全威脅與不穩定的因素有很多,但最主要仍是在於中共對台的野心,以及美國霸權的干預。隨著中共的日益強大,鄰近的台灣勢必是最能感受其威脅性的,而如何才能確保台灣的安全,是本論文的關注焦點;從國際關係理論應用於台灣安全問題上,試圖為台灣安全所獨具的系統架構,做出一完整的論述,則是本論文的寫作核心。 除了中共與美國這兩大外在的台灣安全影響因素之外,台灣安全結構的構成則是另一尋求其安全確保的面向。其中「政治生存」、「經濟發展」以及「國家認同」是台灣安全結構的三個重要環節,缺一不可;而如何掌握,筆者亦嘗試從「現實主義」、「新現實主義」以及「新自由主義」的三大安全思維方向作一論述,在本論文最後,筆者也提出一些保障台灣安全的觀點與建議。 As a result of individual geographical coordinates and historic progress of Taiwan, representing her own security value and status. Even if international systems have already been a Globalization, they have never provided protection to Taiwan. For many reasons to this, the most reason is PRC’s ambition and hegemonism of U.S.A. Adapt to big and powerful of PRC day by day, Taiwan will be affected by PRC. It isa focus in my thesis. The writing core is tring to finish a complete discussing from international relations to apply Taiwan security trouble. Besides PRC and U.S.A., this two external factors, composes of Taiwan security structure is another direction. It contains “political survival”, “economic development”, and “nation identity”. How to know well and have in hand, the writer will try to use “Realism”, “Neorealism”, and “Constructivism” to apply Taiwan security trouble and get up a discussing. Finally, writer also provides some viewpoints and suggestions about protecting Taiwan security.