本研究以個案訪談方式,蒐集案主的家庭支出情況、身體狀況、投保現況、個人儲蓄以及有關房屋價值等財務資訊,編製案主之資產負債表與年度收支表,並依據案主設定的人生目標,運用財富管理套裝軟體,導入貨幣時間價值之複利理論,衡量個案的財務現況並模擬不同經濟情境下案主的資金缺口;另外進一步以問卷調查法了解案主的投資屬性與風險規避傾向,依據資金缺口及其設定目標,規劃適合案主的財務規劃方案,期望找到案主可以接受且願意執行的方案,俾利案主達成財務自由的最高目標。 This study uses interview to understand the client’s family status, physical health status, insurance status, individual deposits and the present value of housing. First, we prepare case’s balance sheet and comprehensive income statement. Second, we accord the main goal in life of the case, using wealth management software which involving compounding theory in time value of money to measure the current financial status of the case and simulate the client's funding gap. Third, we apply questionnaire survey method to understand the client's attributes of investment and risk aversion, and then propose different protect proposals, such as reducing the amount of housing, reducing the amount of travel, delay the time of buying house and car. We focus on the solution which the case is willing to accept and to perform. Finally, the case can achieve the goal of financial freedom.