我國社會工作制度推展至今已逾37個年頭,時至今日制度不但未臻健全且問題重重,是故,本研究希冀藉由建構出合宜的社會工作方式,以協助生活適應困難之人。於此,本研究針對嘉義縣政府自1978實施社會工作制度後之概況做一初步的探討評估。本研究採質性研究,透過「深入訪談法」,與「文獻資料」等方式,分析受訪對象(社會局之社會工作員及社會役役男,即為執行社會工作的實務工作者,計九名),的工作經驗、感想及意見。並以個案研究途徑來探討本研究個案—嘉義縣政府。 本研究探討嘉義縣政府推動社會工作制度之歷史發展,歸納出其中三階段內涵: 一、 自1965-1979為嘉義縣推展社會工作制度的創辦期,社會工作員以派駐鄉鎮方式工作,此階段社工員的角色主要在低收入戶的調查、輔導角色、急難救助戶的協助與輔導及社區發展工作,角色單純,工作明確。二、 自1980-1992為嘉義縣推展社會工作制度的推展期,以派駐鄉鎮方式工作,此階段社工員的工作項目主要為1.家庭輔導2.團體工作3.社區工作;此時期較特別者,除了服務方案的創新、服務對象的擴大外,社工員亦開始重視社會福利的宣導,從事預防推展之工作。三、 自1993~迄今為嘉義縣推展社會工作制度的擴大期,自1999年7月15日起,肇因於社會急遽變遷,社會問題日益多元複雜,兒童、少年受虐、性侵害、性交易、婦女保護、家庭暴力及老人保護個案日益凸顯,原體制已難適應社會所需,故採集中制上班。此階段因保護個案的增加,成立保護專線,社工員的工作時間延長為24小時隨時待命,增加訪視收養、監護個案扮演起司法社工的角色。 在發展中有一些現象值得注意:1.社會工作員之薪資呈緩慢成長之趨勢;2.工作角色日趨多元;3.工作項目出新,日趨繁雜;4.工作人數始終不變,對工作的不定感日益加重,壓力亦與日遽增。從受訪者的不同意見及感觸,可以得知:1.社會福利相關法規的頒布與修訂對社會工作員的影響頗大;2.對目前的工作方式均表不滿,希冀能朝更專精之路發展。 是故,本研究建議如下:嘉義縣所推展之社會工作制度仍有相當大的空間可以改進。如各項1.保護工作介入流程的標準化;2.明定開案與結案指標、處理期限;3.透過外部督導功能的發揮,賦予社會工作員新的角色與定位;4.增進督導功能,加強在職訓練以提昇工作品質。5.將社會工作員納編,增加危險津貼,不但可保障其工作,增進其認同感,並可降低流動率。 The social work system in Taiwan has been developing over 37 years, but with under-performed situation. For the above reason, this study tends to explore moderate models social work (practice) by using ”qualitative interviews” and “document analysis” for understanding workers’ experiences and opinions in Chai-Yi county government. This study discusses the development of the social work system and generalizes the three stages as follows : 1. The Initial Stage (1965-1979)(1) The workers’ roles are mainly : a. investigating the poor; b. guiding the weak; c. helping the men in crisis and executing projects for community development.(2) The workers are assigned in communities.2. The Developmental Stage (1980-1992)(1) The workers’ roles are as follows : a. for family guidance; b. for group work; c. for community work.(2) The workers start to emphasize advocating about social welfare and developmental programs for prevention.(3) The workers are still assigned in communities.3. The Extensive Stage (1993~ ) :(1) Because of multiple social problems, some new roles are as follows: a. for child and adolescent abuse; b. for sexual abuse; c. for buying-selling sex; d. woman protection; e. elder protection; f. domestic violence.(2) The workers are asked to stand by the whole day, and play an important role in judicial systems.(3) Since July 15th, 1999, the workers are gathered in Chai-Yi government. To sum up, there are some phenomena and suggestions from the above stages are as below:1. Phenomena: (1) A slow growth of workers’ salary.(2) The workers’ burden for multiple roles.(3) Social policy and legislature have much effect on the social work.(4) The worker’s dissatisfaction for existent social work practice.2. Suggestions:(1) Standardizing the process of protection intervention. (2) Ascertaining the indicators for case intake and close.(3) Making sure workers’ roles and professional competenceby supervision and training.(4) Incorporating the workers in Chia-Yi government.(5) Offering crisis allowance.