近年來台灣參與志願服務的人口呈逐漸增高之趨勢,因此國人對志願服務越來越重視,也想要對志願服務有更多了解,但觀之過去國內有關志願服務的研究,大多是著墨於探討志工的參與動機、工作滿意度及離職傾向等議題,而從志願服務參與者本身之特質來探討的較少,所以我們對於志願服務人力的結構背景所知很少。直到八十八年主計處針對台灣地區十五歲以上之人口進行社會發展趨勢調查,讓我們對於國人參與志願服務之概況有了了解,但從文獻的閱讀了解到志願服務之參與情形會因為服務性質而不同,因此本研究希望利用主計處這次大規模調查之資料,進一步分析各種類型志願服務之概況,以及各項人口統計特質對於志願服務參與類型之影響。 本研究以百分比分析來探討各種志願服務類型在人口統計特質及志願服務表現之概況;透過邏輯回歸分析了解各項人口統計特質對於志願服務參與類型之關係。 研究結果發現:(一)性別對於服務類型確實有不同偏好,男性志工較多參與急難救助及交通服務、政治團體之服務及職業團體之服務。女性志工則較傾向於參與醫院之社會服務、學校之社會服務及社會福利服務。(二)年齡對於是否參與學校之社會服務、環保及社區服務、急難救助及交通服務、宗教服務、政治團體之服務等類之影響有顯著差異,15-24歲及35-44歲之志工對於學校之社會服務之參與率較高;年齡層較大之志工較傾向於參與環保及社區服務、宗教服務及政治團體之服務;年齡在25-44歲之青壯年志工參與急難救助及交通服務之比例較高。(三)婚姻狀況是喪偶之志工,選擇參與醫院之社會服務及宗教服務者較多;離婚之志工則較傾向參與急難救助及交通服務;有偶者較多參與環保及社區服務。(四)教育程度對於是否參與學校之社會服務、文化休閒體育服務、急難救助及交通服務、宗教服務、政治團體之服務及職業團體之服務等六類有顯著差異,高學歷者較傾向於參與學校之社會服務、文化休閒體育服務;參與其他四類之志工學歷則較低。(五)工作對於志願服務參與類型之影響並無顯著差異。(六)全年收入僅對是否參與醫院之社會服務、學校之社會服務及職業團體之服務三類之影響有顯著差異,且都顯示高收入者對這三類之參與率較高。 owadays the increse of voluntary services participants in Taiwan has got more and more attention. However, previous research has focused primarily on motivation, job satisfaction and leave intention of volunteers. Therefore we have not much knowledge of demographic factors of volunteers. This thesis is to study the correlation between various types of volunteer work and demographic-traits of participants. Based on an extensive survey of Social Development Trend conducted in 1999 by DGBAS, data was collected and “Frequency analysis” and “Logistic Regression Analysis” are adopted for analysis. Conclusion are as follows:(1)Gender makes significant difference to the choice of types of volunteer work:male volunteer prefers emergency aid and transportation services, political groups and vocational groups services ; female volunteer prefers hospital services, school services and social welfare services.(2)Age shows significant effect on the choice of types of volunteer work:volunteers aged 15-24 and 35-44 prefer school services; senior volunteers prefer enviromental protection and community services, religious services and political group services ; volunteers aged 25-44 prefer emergency aids and transportation services.(3)Marital status makes difference to the types of volunteer work: widows or wifeless men prefer hospital services and religious services ; divorcees prefer emergency aid and transportation services ; married people prefer enviromental protection and community services.(4)There is significant difference in the choice of types of volunteer work among the volunteers with different education levels: volunteers with high education level prefer school services, services of culture, leisure and sport ; volunteers with low education level prefer emergency aid and transportation services, religious services, political groups and vocational groups services.(5)There is no significant difference between occupation and types of volunteer work.(6)Income make significant difference to the the types of volunteer work: volunteer with higher income prefer hospital services, school services and vocational groups services.