非營利組織行銷雖然借用營利組織的主體觀念,但其意義內涵另有其特質,以至於在運用及管理上比營利機構困難。然而在美國非營利組織行銷的成效卻是有目共睹,只是非營利組織之間性質各不相同,適用於醫院、博物館的行銷用在宗教組織上可能須做修正。 就民間信仰宗教團體而言,龐大發展的廟宇不但有各類型的社會服務活動,也有分靈宮廟多處道場的設立,組織和地方權要的關係絡網密切,有宗教祭祀活動時又善用傳媒行銷,種種情況都顯現了民問信仰宗教團體在商業化社會發展下借用市場方法來推廣的事實。因此本文藉由嘉義城隍廟、地藏庵和新港奉天宮三個宗教團体,企圖以探索性研究了解民問信仰宗教團體如何應用行銷,行銷組合為何?以及未來可能的發展變化。 研究發現民間信仰的功利思想使得領導者以「信徒越多越好」為組織經營目標,而信徒的功利性動機只求神明「靈驗」,能保佑現世生活平安富裕,因此其目標市場多集中於所處城鎮鄉民;產品方面大多是宗教祭祀活動或慈善服務,給予信徒的核心產品是神祇崇拜的人神關係;價格上以非貨幣產品多於定價產品,推廣方面重視傳媒和董事會的人際網絡。通路方式善用直效行銷,城隍廟已建立電子服務,奉天宮的各地分靈寺廟是最佳通路。 而對個案之建議為組織應清楚訂定組織的使命與遠景,並培育行銷專業人才以利進行行銷研究。組織也應多加強市場研究,訂定市場區隔基礎以便找出目標市場,並且加強信眾參與活動以後的滿足程度追蹤。最後組織提昇神職人員的宗教教育素質,若有意朝向慈善福利事業者,如城隍廟和地藏庵,則應致力規劃如何制度化地推展與管理,或發揮整合社區鄉里的社會功能,如新港奉天宮。 The management of nonprofit marketing is difficult because of its sophisticated content. In America, the effect of nonprofit marketing is obvious but the manipulation needs to be revised when we use it on hospitals, museums or even on religious organizations. Church marketing supplies the worth that people could get from personal services or donation. In Taiwan, the folk beliefs organizations supply social services through their branches in different places. They hold large ceremonies through mass medium, like TV , newspaper and radio. It reveals the fact that folk beliefs organizations promote themselves through the market. The study of three folk beliefs organizations in Chayi will be talked about how they work with market mix on marketing, and what will be changed in the future. The survey find out that church members are quite utilitarian. The goal they pursue is getting more members to earn much donation so that the focus market is put on the people in town. They supply the product which is the relationships between God and person by holding ceremonies or religious services. The service price is invisible. Public relationships, mass medium, network and satellite temples help the promotion best. The content of organization's mission should be written in letters clearly so does the professional clerks should be educated for target market. Now they develop social welfare to meet philanthropic missions and they have to spend time on marketing research in order to keep the immortal life for organizations in the future.