本研究針對參與2002年屏東黑鮪魚文化觀光季活動之遊客進行訪談調查,以探討遊客對觀光節慶活動之遊客意象、服務品質、滿意度及忠誠度之關係。敘述統計、因素分析、單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)等方法用以分析遊客旅遊行為特性,結構方程模式LISREL用以完整探討遊客意象、服務品質、滿意度、忠誠度等變項的關係。經由實證分析發現:1.遊客意象對服務品質無顯著關係;但對整體滿意度具有顯著正向直接關係。2.服務品質對整體滿意度及忠誠度均呈現顯著正向直接關係。3.整體滿意度對忠誠度呈現顯著正向直接關係;遊客意象對忠誠度無顯著關係影響,而是透過整體滿意度產生正向間接關係。本研究之結果可供主辦單位作為未來活動規劃設計之參考。 This study aims to explore the relationship between image, satisfaction and loyalty for the tourists who attending the Ping-Tung Toro Cultural Festival in 2002. Some multivariate analysis techniques including descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and one-way ANOVA are used in this study to analyze the socio-demographic profile of tourists. LISREL is applied to establish the relationship model and investigate the relationship among the latent variables under study. The empirical findings show that 1.Tourism image has no significant direct effect on service quality but on tourist satisfaction. 2. Service quality has significant direct effect on both tourist satisfaction and loyalty. 3. Tourist satisfaction has a significant direct effect on tourist loyalty. Image has an indirect effect on tourist loyalty via tourist satisfaction. The main findings can provide useful suggestions of sequential events held by the organization in charge.