交通運輸為觀光遊憩行為需求面與供給面之媒介,遊客藉由交通工具作為出發地點和目的地之間的連結,所以說的交通工具扮演著非常重要的角色。台北捷運自從民國八十五年三月,木柵線正式通車,使台灣交通運輸從此邁向新的里程碑,為了使遊客能更有意願使用捷運,捷運局特別發行捷運一日票,捷運一日票是指遊客能夠在一日內不限搭乘次數及距離,且票價固定為一百五十元,捷運公司的立意主要為了讓遊客能夠充分使用捷運從事休閒旅遊活動,讓遊客以最低廉交通費用遊玩到最多的景點。發現可將捷運遊客分為四種生活型態類型,分別為『面面俱到者』、『時尚社交者』、『居家自主者』與『消極生活者』,而可將捷運遊客對捷運一日票的使用態度構面可分為『方便與嘗試』『經濟實惠』與『服務周到』。 不同生活型態類型之遊客,在使用態度上,呈現顯著差異;不同生活型態類型之遊客對於捷運一日票之使用滿意度呈現顯著差異;與重購意願上無顯著差異,而對於一日票是否能增加其整體遊憩滿意度上,呈現出顯著差異;一日票使用態度與滿意度成正相關;而一日票使用滿意度與再購意願成正相關。 Transportation is the demand and supply medium of tourism behavior. Transportation tools play a very important roll due to passengers see it as a connection between start off location and its destination. The formal operation of TRTC (Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation) Mucha Line since March 1996 brings Taiwan Transportation System towards to a new milestone. To stimulate passenger desire to use MRT, TRTC specially promoted MRT One Day Pass. With fixed ticket rate of NT$150 per date, passenger can use this one day pass to different locations and unlimited frequency of taken in one day. The purpose of TRTC is to let its passenger adequately use MRT as a transportation tool for their leisure sight seeing at a reasonable rate to different scenic spots.By collecting the questionnaires of the passengers who use One Day Pass and analyzing their life style, using attitudes, satisfaction and repurchase intention. There are four life styles. They are “Various aspects”, “Fashion society”, “Self-determination” and “Passive living”. Using Factor Analyze, there are three factors of using attitudes. They are “Convenience and Try”, “Economical and Useful” and “Service”. Within the different life styles of the passengers who use One Day Pass are significant differences in using attitudes. There aren’t significant differences in re-purchase. It also shows no significant difference that will add whole recreational satisfactions. The using attitudes of the passengers show positive correlation with satisfactions and they also show positive correlation with the repurchase intention.