近年來護理人員出現離職率居高不下,從業人口不斷流失的情形,根據行政院衛生福利部的統計,以大夜班來說,一個護士平均要照顧15 至30 位病人,人力不足造成護理人員工作量增加,更導致病人醫療品質大受影響。為何護理人員流動率如此之高?除了個人因素、工作性質的影響外,主管的領導行為也可能是一個重要的影響因素;再者,現今無論是企業或醫院為了留住人才紛紛朝向幸福組織來發展,員工幸福感的創造與維持成為是否能留住人才的關鍵;不同的領導行為是否會對員工幸福感產生不同的影響將是本研究的探討重點,經由文獻整理與分析後推導出數個命題,可作為進一步以護理人員為研究樣本進行實證分析之基礎。 In recent years, the turnover rate of nursing staff still keeps high. According to the data from Ministry of Health and Welfare, a typical nurse working on a nightshift has to take care of 15 to 30 patients. Thus, staff shortage leads to overload, as well as affecting the quality of patient care. Why the turnover rate of nursing staff is so high? Besides personal factors, and the nature of job, leadership behavior is possible to be a big influence. On the other hand, many hospitals or companies try to be a happiness organization. Creating and keeping employee well-being is going to be a key for retaining qualified personnel. For this reason, it is the aim of the study to investigate the effects of different leadership behavior on employee well-being. According to literature analysis, several hypotheses are provided to be the base for conducting empirical research in the future.