現今環境的高失業率、社會新鮮人起薪低落及生活痛苦指數不斷增高之下,報考公職事業的民眾逐年增加。一般而言,公職事業是人人羨慕的工作,但為何有些從業人員還是具有負向評價,除自身因素會影響工作的投入程度外,與主管間的關係可能也會影響工作表現及感受;而在幸福感這個概念逐漸受到重視的趨勢下,各企業、機關團體,甚至國家都漸漸會以員工或人民的幸福感受來當作日後策略發展的參考依據,若員工心中擁有正向感受將有助於工作績效的改善;因此,本研究將探討領導者與部屬交換關係對員工幸福感之影響,經由文獻整理與分析後推導出四個命題,可作為進一步以公務人員為研究樣本進行實證分析之基礎。 By the trend of high unemployment, poor pay of fresh graduate, and the constant increase in the misery index, the numbers of people who apply for public employment increase year by year. Generally speaking, public employment is the envy of the people. Why some public staffs also have negative comment about their jobs? Besides personal factors, the relationship between leader and member is possible to affect employee’s performance and feeling. On the other hand, the enterprises, agencies, organizations and even national authorities gradually choose employee or people well-being as reference for future strategy development. Positive feeling of employees will lead to good performance. Therefore, the current study investigated the influence of leader-member exchange theory on employee well-being. According to literature analysis, several hypotheses are provided to be the base for conducting empirical research in the future.